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A problem disease


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My character is in good standing. The list says my character has a disease it does not tell me what it is and I don't know how long it was there. I went to church, wayshrine, cure disease potions, and house mod with built-in shrine. Yet it persist on the list. What now?
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Are you using any mods that might add/alter the way diseases work in the game? When you say 'list' are you talking about your stats list that you get from the far right on your map menu or your active effects that you get off the far right on your spells menu?
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The stats list is just a running total of all the diseases you've contracted in the game with that player. If you heal at an altar after getting infected it won't reset that count back to zero. If you look at the tab on the far right of your Spells menu (Active Effects) it will show you all the birthsign, racial ability, potion, enchantment and disease effects that are currently affecting your player. If you look on your Stats menu the far left tab shows your Character info (take note if any of your health, magicka or fatigue stats are currently down from max and won't come up if you wait a while) and the next tab to the right from that one shows your Attributes (green numbers are being influenced in a positive way by an enhancement and red are being negatively affected ... only thing is if you have an attribute boosted say by an enchanted ring it may not show red if you are being affected by a disease until it is lowered more than the enchantment).


Like the NPCs say "Almost any animal can give you a disease".

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I agree. If I go to an altar for the cure I have faith that it works ... when I take one of my homegrown cure disease potions ... well, it would be nice to be sure (especially if it's that dreaded vampire disease, and I've got a level-up sleep pending).
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