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Followed reddit beginner's guide - objects / water are jumping all over the place making horrible noise


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Followed this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/beginners_guide


The game loads and everything looks really good BUT objects will stutter / jump around, interacting with the environment (making a s#*! ton of noise), these include pots, bears, horses, water.


I've tried turning everything off but it's still happening. I've read that once you create a save the files are already modified by the mods so there's no real way to turn mods off?


Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated, I followed the whole guide so:


Wyre Bash






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Sounds like physics issues due to FPS over 60. skyrims engine bugs out when your fps goes over 60.


Make sure vysnc is enabled and also set the FPS limiter in your enblocal to 55.


this will prevent physics issues like you described and the ugly flickering water.

Edited by twiztedmongoloid
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In complement of what Twizted have listed above,


  • Make sure you have vsync turned on.
  • Make sure your framerate isn't going above 60 - use a fps limiter or the ENB limiter included feature or using your graphic card utility if you experience problems with the ENB limiter.
  • Some of the skyrim.ini [papyrus] settings can have very bad effects on the way the game handle scripts, Read here why.

Good luck.


Edit : too late^^

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