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Lip sync broken


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I've been reinstalling Oblivion with a lot of mods after reinstalling my OS. At some point (I'm not sure when unfortunately), I noticed that there is no lip movement from almost all characters. The only ones that seem to work are new characters from mods. The voice sound works fine. Everything worked fine before the reinstall. I'll post a load order when I can.


In the mean time, does anyone have a general idea of what kinds of things would cause this? I installed diverse voices, but uninstalling made no difference. Is it possible I goofed up installing a body mod? Would that even matter. The reason I ask is that the head mesh for Roberts body has clipping with hair and helmets, so I may have the wrong head installed. I don't see why that would matter though.


Also I noticed that I have an Oblivion.esm folder inside the voices folder. Is that normal? Shouldn't that info be in the BSA archive unless there is a mod modifying it?

Edited by oc3
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Oblivion.esm should be in the data folder as it is the one that launches the game. It is possible though that the mod you are talking about made a copy of the original and modified it to change the way things worked. I am no modder so I could be way off base, but pretty sure that no one can modify the esm file though. Or at least not and make it public, hehe.
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Oblivion.esm should be in the data folder as it is the one that launches the game. It is possible though that the mod you are talking about made a copy of the original and modified it to change the way things worked. I am no modder so I could be way off base, but pretty sure that no one can modify the esm file though. Or at least not and make it public, hehe.



Actually, the oblivion.esm folder ( I accidentally called it a file before) I am refering to is in the data/sounds/voices folder and has the lip files and voice files in it.


It is also wierd that if I remove the esm folder from the voices folder, it behaves exactly the same.

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Just answered one question. Checked my laptop which has vanilla oblivion installed, and there is no voice folder at all inside the data/sound folder and therefore to oblivion.esm folder either. So evidently a mod placed it there.


Still no idea why lip animations are not working. Several searches have turned up nothing either.

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When you say you uninstalled Diverse Voices did you just deactivate the esp or did you actually remove all the resource files and folders it added. The reason I ask is that the game will still load resources left in the Data folder, even if you've deactivated the corresponding esp (in other words, you could still have vanilla resources in the bsa being overridden by mod files due to archive invalidation, just like non-esp replacer clothes and armor mods do).
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When you say you uninstalled Diverse Voices did you just deactivate the esp or did you actually remove all the resource files and folders it added. The reason I ask is that the game will still load resources left in the Data folder, even if you've deactivated the corresponding esp (in other words, you could still have vanilla resources in the bsa being overridden by mod files due to archive invalidation, just like non-esp replacer clothes and armor mods do).


Thanks Striker

I did completely uninstall it, files and all. Problem persisted. I also found that the UOP supplementals have a voice folder with an oblivion.esm folder inside. So those two are the source of the additional lip and voice files. I have not tried it with the UOP supps uninstalled, but I did do a reinstall of the UOP supps and the problem is still there.


One strange thing though...The problem seems to be intermittant now. (maybe it was all along) Sometimes it works and then a moment later with the same character, it doesn't. I am beginning to think I have corrupt files somewhere, otherwise I think my google searches would have turned up something.

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Another thing to keep in mind is that if an NPC starts talking while you don't have them in view (say if they're behind you) when you do get them in view their lips won't be moving. That's a game engine limitation. You'll see the lip movement again as soon as they start a new line of dialogue.
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Another thing to keep in mind is that if an NPC starts talking while you don't have them in view (say if they're behind you) when you do get them in view their lips won't be moving. That's a game engine limitation. You'll see the lip movement again as soon as they start a new line of dialogue.



I never noticed that before, but it makes perfect sense. I'm still having the problem even after uninstalling all of the unofficial patches and restoring my sounds.BSA file from backup. That should leave me with nothing but vanilla voice files. Now I am starting to think it may be an animation or mesh issue.


Still having hair clipping issues with Roberts bodies and some characters eyes seem to be slightly rolled upwards. Also, often times guards and others give no greeting when I approach. I wonder if this all related.



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I don't know what I have done, but I am a frog's hair away from deleting everything and reinstalling Oblivion and my 200+ mods. Nothing seems to help. I tried reinstalling the ORIGINAL VANILLA head mesh ( I thought the mesh issue might be related to the lip animation issue), with the same results. STILL had hair clipping ( no hair mods installed). This was AFTER I tried redownloading and reinstalling Robert's head meshes.


THEN, I decided to try to try to download and install 'Head06' by Throttlekitty, since I thought it may be a head mesh / head.egt file thing and his mod contained both. I know it is not his fault, as he is a good modeler. I thought that might solve my problems.......But Nooooooo.


Now after 4 hours of straight troubleshooting...the game crashes INSTANTLY when I try to launch it. I know it has something to do with the humanhead.egt file that was replaced when I installed humanhead06, but..., I have tried undoing everyting I have done to no avail. I am worn out and done, unless someone can help very soon.


This has now gone from a no lip movement and a hair clipping issue to a COMPLETE REINSTALL!!!


NOTE: I have no idea where the egt files came from in my meshes/ characters folder. If I knew that may help.


Reinstalling in 18 hours.


Thanks, if you can help!!!

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In case you do need to reinstall here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link at the end of this line (I've expanded the link text to make it easier to spot):

No sense in getting into reinstall woes as well (i.e. don't skip the registry cleaning step). Good luck, and sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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