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Crashing on "Crafting" tab in Workshop


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Well as the title says I shall explain my issue here.


Before you start telling me to read threads, I have read the following without solutions:


- https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3767665-ten-rules-to-get-a-mod-setup-with-a-lot-of-workshop-crafting-mods-to-work/

- https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3779220-crafting-workbenches-mod-causes-game-crash-over-settlement-menu/


My mods:




My ini files:
























Tests I have done:


Tried to use this mod to fix it: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12226/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D12226&pUp=1

Crashes me to desktop upon launch of game.


I also went through a couple of mods that caused initial issues, such as a vendor mod to increase props which was solved by removing the mod.


I have also attempted to deactivate numerous mods in my list which could be used with crafting benches.


Such as:


  • Basement Living
  • Homemaker
  • Robot Home Defence
  • Campsite


But at this current point I'm pulling my hair since I do not understand what mod that is causing this issue.

So this is why I ask the mod community for assistance with my problem.







- I just removed AKWCR

- Removed the following:

  • Camp site
  • We are the minutemen
  • DIFR

- Tried disabling The Weapon Mods Mod

Edited by EllmansWorld
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Just one quick look and i see part of your problem..


You load order is very wrong..


Major plugins are nowhere near to where they should be in the load order .


For a first try download LOOT from nexus and install it .


Before you run it go to your plugins.txt and if its read only UNcheck it so LOOT can save the changes it makes. http://prntscr.com/cby101

This is important cause if you try to save the changes and it cant... nmm will deactivate all the pluggins and you have to re-activate them all again..


Then try your game out again.

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btw dont remove AKWCR ....you really need that... ( if it was crashing at a chem/armor/weapon station then we would look at this )


When exactly does it crash ??


At what point in the menu ? and are you generalizing the word "workbench " ?

Do you mean crafting station like the ones i mention above or the settlement workshop workbench ??

Edited by greekrage
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