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Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod



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Right now it's definitely a toss up between a ritual to summon Dovakhiin or recruiting heroes throughout the land.


I think seaching for heroes is the best option - they then get Dragon blood by mixing it with their chosen Dragon. Also allows us to create a trial for them! However, when it comes to design we can see which is best to implement.

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We could still give them Dragon souls, just not the entire soul. The dragon they eventually bond with could give them a piece of their soul, these new Dragonborns won't have the same capability of a true Dragonborn, which is being able to take the souls of slain dragons. We could have a new threat show up. At the end of the Main Quest, we don't absorb Alduins soul, we destroyed his body, but not his soul, what if he is reborn as a mortal? This new body is now also Dragonborn, but with the soul of Alduin, he can take the souls of dragons he kills to perhaps regain his power, the more souls he takes, the stronger he becomes. If he kills bonded Dragons he gets even more powerful, but the partial soul cleave during the bonding means this dragon can be resurrected by their rider using that soul shard, this would make this new Dragonborn weaker by taking the bonded dragons soul out of him and placing it back in that dragons body, which starts the process all over again, the soul shard is replaced by a new one, meaning the only way to take a bonded dragons soul is to kill it's rider as well. Which incidentally, ties in with Eragon...in the books, if a dragon dies, the Rider lives on, but if the Rider dies, they both die. So that could be an added element to the bonding process, and it would give the bonding a much more profound reason.
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Right I think it's time we started getting a team together - I've not modded before but am ready to learn. If anyone would like to volunteer services just put your name down.

I'm going to get into contact with whoever starts making a Dragon riding/combat as soon as they get started so hopefully that will get the ball rolling as well

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I don't think you need to borrow quite so heavily from Inheritance to make this mod. Thing is, in that setting, dragons are basically good . The dragons in Skyrim aren't. Even Parthanax admits that he still has to struggle against his true nature. Odavhing doesn't serve you because he likes you, he serves you because you're stronger than him. Affection and kinship may come in time, but it will be a very long time.


Dragons will obey whoever is the strongest. After the events of the main quest, that's you. I'm sure Odavhing would love to take part in it, hunting down the now masterless dragons, beating them bloody and making them acknowledge your lordship over them.


I think I've also found a solution to the problem of creating or finding other Dragonborn. You don't need them.


What use is a dragon-rider anyway? They can't fight from that position, by the time anyone is within reach of a sword, they'll already have been smashed by a tail, ripped apart by claws, burned to charcoal, or delicately chewed. And that's even if the dragon decides to sacrifice his main tactical advantage and fight on the ground, and I see no reason why he should. Remember how well it turned out for the dragons who tried to fight you on the ground?


I suppose you could say that a rider could use the t'hum from dragon-back, but that's judging them by your standards. You're the Dragonborn. You were born this way and there is no other. Anyone can Shout, but it takes years of training. The Greybeards were young men when they started. You'd probably have to train any recruits yourself, too, I can't imagine the Greybeards helping you build a private, unstoppable army. Also, could you train them? You didn't have to learn the way they would have to.


Final argument: The dragons are sentient. They don't need anyone to direct them, a rider is just an encumbrance. Why can't they be interesting and varied characters all on their own?


Gather together an army of dragons, lead them from the back of Odavhing, destroy the Thalmor and rebuild the Empire!

Edited by 92abcdefgh
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Few notes I'd like to bring up.


About the raise a dragon whelp idea, that could easily be implemented into my mod as a side-quest as my mod will have a new dragon whelp model. To grow it, a simple morph script to turn it from the young model into the adult model will work, the rigged skeletons will morph with it.



Your idea does bring up an interesting aspect of dragons. I propose that you make a mod addon-on to The Fallen Greybeards that will incorporate your idea whilst allowing the mods to be compatible. If there's one thing I couldn't stand in Oblivion, it was two awesome mods that were incompatible with each other.


The Blades are a group devoted to see the extinction of dragons and to work with the Dragonborn to do it. So if anything The Blades, as I plan in my mod, will grow on their own and hunt down the dragons. Eventually they will be as common as vamp hunters or werewolf hunters.


About the dragon soul ordeal, best way is to fuse souls in a phylactery with a dragon. Simple blood swaps won't exactly do anything and if you try and fit a dragon's soul in your body, then that won't exactly work out either.


The only problem I see with this proposed mod is that dragons are prideful and will refuse to help anyone with a lesser Thu'um. The Dragonborn player can sort a deal out with dragons to get this kickstarted or you can start selling dragon eggs and each buyer will own that dragon.


Last but not least, Dovahkiin means Dragonborn, which is to be born with the soul of a dragon. Anyone with the fused souls would be considered a Dovahwahlaan (Dragoncreated). There's also other names: Dragonsworn - Dovahriin, Dragonleech - Dovahlun (good for normal people raising a dragon).


Another tidbit of info:


With the Wolf Queen as the last in the Septim Bloodline, your character would probably be tied to the title Dovahkiin through a blessing of Akatosh upon birth and not from bloodlines. If this is the case then the player is the only Dovahkiin of Tamriel and thus the only way to create Dovah souled humanoids would to perform a ritual in fusing their souls with a Dovah with aforementioned phylactery.


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Damn everyone making such good points! The main thing for this mod is I want to keep it lore friendly and try and make a situation that would likely occur after the events of the game (Dragon-flying included).


@Andrewking &boomnuke - as the construction set doesn't come out til Jan it could be afew weeks til we start the actualy modding but please join in and post stuff here in the run up to it


@budz42 - i saw on the Dragonbord post you mention about making it a franchise; if we can successfully work out how the lore would work etc. I would be more than happy for Dragonriders to be an episode following The Fallen Greybeards. As you said 2 great mods like this should be compatible and if they can lead onto one another. Right now I am just reading through all the lore I can find so your post has really helped with that.


I don't think the Dragons would let their egss be sold - my current best idea for further riders would be Champions throughout the land who the Dragons would be happen to work woith. The circumstances for this I am not yet sure of but I really want the Dominion to get involved with this. The idea of a treachourous Dragonrider who sides with the Dominion really appeals to me as it will to many other Inheritance fans.


How do I sign up to the Dragonborn team then?

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To be able to read the latest in development, go to the mod's thread and read the instructions at the top. As a side note, this mod here would be too big to be a direct portion of Dragonborn and would best benefit from a separate team with cooperation between both teams to ensure compatibility.

Edited by Budz42
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