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Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod



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As an addendum to my pervious post, I have actually thought of a way to incorperate riders. You don't have to 'create' dragonborn or have them use the Voice either. If you're still interested, here's the scenario:


Imagine you meet with Parthanax after the Main Quest, and decide to form this brotherhood of dragons and riders to act as a sort of dragon 'police force'. This brotherhood will hunt down errant dragons, force them to submit to the Way of the Voice, destroy them if they refuse, and protect the defenceless people of Skyrim from them.


You, Parthanax and Odavhing would have to go in search of exceptional dragons who would deign to partner with a mortal, and exceptional mortals who'd be powerful enough to gain the respect of said dragons. Here's the meat of my idea: The riders don't need to be dragonborn, or masters of the Voice (though they can learn in time) They need to be powerful mages.


A warrior can do little from dragon-back except maybe shoot a bow, but a mage can heal his dragon, protect him from attacks, and buff his strength and speed. This would give a bonded dragon a huge advantage over an unbonded one, although I still don't think the bond needs to be any more profound than mutual respect.


The dragons and mortals who meet this criteria are going to be very few in number, so I think one representative of each race is a good idea. But about the war against the Thalmor:


Let's say that the civil war quests are locked off until the main quest is completed, and you've already established the Dragon Riders. Your brotherhood is far outside the control of any power in the land, but they realise what a valuable ally you would be. The Empire and Stormcloaks both begin trying to curry your favour, perhaps bestowing large monetary gifts that enable you to build yourself a sanctuary high on a mountain somewhere. Eventually, you're going to have to decide what to do: Remain neutral, join the Empire, or join the Stormcloaks. Whichever one you choose is going to alienate some of your followers, who all would have different motivations for supporting one option or the other. Parthanax would probably be against any option but staying neutral, for example.


I think the two questlines could mesh very well, you wouldn't have to change all that much. The 'New Meat' quests for both factions would still work: The Legion needs your help capturing a now heavily garrisoned fort, whereas Ulfric sends you to kill say, two dozen ice wraiths instead to two, blustering fool that his is.


By the way, the elven members of your brotherhood don't necessarily have to support the Thalmor, they could aggressively loathe the Thalmor, who are, after all, a fascist clique that took over their country. It's possible that elves fled to Skyrim when the Thalmor took over the way Germans fled to Switzerland when the Nazis took over.


Anyway, what do you think? I know this idea is very much your baby, but you don't have to rip off Inheritance or twist the lore around like a corkscrew to do it, or to make it interesting to people who've never read the books (or who hate them). At the end of the day, what we want to do is ride dragons! Once that's in, you free to do pretty much whatever you want with this mod.

Edited by 92abcdefgh
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I love this idea. Something I've wanted from day one. Can't wait to see it develop. Just one thought. Any of you read the Dragonlance Chronicles? Very interesting depictions of dragonriders in those books, both good and evil. Plus Dragonsreach in Whiterun screams High Clerist's Tower to me...
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92 quite frankly I love you right now! I'm busy tonight so don't have much time to post butI will back first thing tomorow to contiue this. The two main things I like is the idea of pairing a mage with a dragon to make them both more powerful (I think we could work it so that sword fighters can do it - if they are on the ground they protect the dragon).


The civil war thing has to be my favourite from this though - makes the idea of part of the order rebelling work fantastically!


Anyway will post more later

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I find the basic idea for this mod very intriguing and I'd like to participate.


I have no prior experience with any modding, but I'm studying ICT in uni so I might be of some help in regards to coding. I also have tons of ideas for the

mountain stronghold area and quests. Scratch that I have ideas for everything.


Some thoughts on the stronghold:

A mountain peak that is almost as high as the throath of the world and is very difficult, if not impossible to scale on foot. Near the top there are nordic ruins (maybe overlooking the sea?) in the form of a sky terrace used as a dragon landing site, with an opening in the mountain side that opens to a large semisphere room. The whole construct was used in ancient times as a housing build by the dragon cult members for their masters.


The quest to build your stronghold would be started by Paarturnax or Odahviing, since a dragon would be the likeliest to know of such a place. Raising the place to a proper housing would mean several quests to acquire equipment and/or buying stuff like with building a normal house (but A LOT more gold required, several tens if not hundreds of thousands of gold).


The top of the main room has an opening as to allow light and snow(?) to fall in (think like inside a volcano). The room itself has 10 large openings on the sides for the dragons to reside in + the opening to the terrace, and above those a terrace like second floor for the riders.

This is where the dragon cultists servants lived; and died as there is no way to leave after being brought in. As a result the place has skeletons and draugrs of their former inhabitants, maybe even a few skeletal dragons that the player needs to spring clean out.


The cavern and the openings need to be large enough as to not feel small with dragons roaming around; the labyrinthian area with the skeletal dragon would be a good reference point.



That... came out longer than I thought and I haven't even said anything about quests and lore yet! Long story short: if it conflicts with TES lore, scratch it. The inheritance has many, many good things that will contribute greatly to skyrim lore, but also many of those things would need to be heavily modified to fit in.


tldr: Interested in this mod, lemme join^^

Edited by Qustav
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Dragon-Riders of Skyrim



With this mod we plan to continue where the Main & Civil War quest-lines left us by expanding an continuing them. We aim to make the player become a Dragon-Rider and form a new Order then embark upon an epic series of quests



i) Dragon riding: The most impressive feature we hope to add will be the ability to ride your very own dragon. This will include the ability to use shouts and magic whilst riding, aerial combat with other dragons, takeoff, landing and air-to-ground combat.

ii) Improved shouts: Words of power will now be interchangeable to form new and diverse shouts. With shorter cool-down time they will be of more use in-game

iii) Entirely new set of quests: Will expand upon the Civil war aspect of the game - after you set up the order both sides will be vying for your favour as your support will most likely win the war! But your work is not done - the Dominion are not happy with your power and are marching on Skyrim to stop you.

iv) New locations: The Dragon-Riders will need a new home, a fortress inaccessible to those who would steal its secrets. Among its many secrets there will be the Dragonforge, the Great World Wall & Library, a hall large enough for Dragons & the Vault of Souls. There will also be new locations, both interior and exterior, as the quest line takes you to some of the most extraordinary places in Skyrim



i) Act 1 - Form the Dragon-Riders - following Alduin’s defeat the Dovah are in disorder and must be united. With the players leadership a new order is formed to prevent the Dovah from destroying themselves

ii) Act 2 - Fight in the Civil War - the new Order is proving to be the deadliest force in all Tamriel and with civil war raging in Skyrim both sides are looking to use this deadly weapon for their own ends

iii) Act 3 - War with the Dominion - thanks to the Dragon-Riders the Civil War has been decided (one way or the other) but a greater threat is coming....


So there is the new outline for this mod but now it needs fleshing out - I have set up a forum at sourceforge (Thanks to budz for the link) - please sign up first on the team page first. Find it here


This project is open to all (this is my first mod - ambitious I know) but we would really love some experienced modders to get involved.

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Heh, love to participate but I have my own mod to work out.


I was thinking that since this mod is beginning to take on a life of its own, Dragon-Riders of Skyrim and The Fallen Greybeards could set up a compatibility version and perhaps allow the Dragonborn to be not only the leader but the leading dragon of the pack as in TFG the Dragonborn has the opportunity to become his own dragon and switch forms at will. Perhaps Lydia could ride on your back. :thumbsup:

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I have a great idea as to where the stronghold could be.


how about in the mountain range that Skuldafn lies in?


It would make sense that the Dragon Priests had set up a stronghold for them and their masters so they had easy access to the portal.

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