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Dragon Riders of Skyrim - An Eragon/Inheritance Based Mod



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Well, I don't think it delves too deep into inheritance lore, after all in the books only Humans and Elves were allowed to become riders, and it was up to the dragon to choose their partner. After all, it was their life they put into this persons hands. If the rider dies, so does the Dragon, but if the dragon died, the rider would live on. So it's an immense amount of trust to put in another race.
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Really, I don't think this should bear too much resemblance to Inheritance other than the fact they both have people sitting on dragons. I do like Inheritance (I finished the last 850 page book in about three days, so I must have thought it was good) But I don't think a lot of it would fit the overall tone of Skyrim. The dragons here are arrogant, dominating those they can and serving those they cannot. The dragons you recruit into your order will have to be pretty extraordinary to deign to partner with a mortal, and it will have to be a rather powerful mortal.

Even then, they probably will enjoy subjugating other dragons, even if it's for a good cause.


By the way, the will to dominate also applies to the player character. The PC also has a dragon's soul. If you just follow the quests and do what comes naturally, you'll soon find yourself the master of the Thieves' Guild, the Companions, the Dark Brotherhood and the College of Winterhold. I am certain that the next Elder Scrolls game will mention the 'Emperor Dovakhiin' who founded the Fourth Empire. It was the same with Tiber Septim; One minute he was climbing the 7,000 steps and speaking with the Greybeards, the next he was leading an army out of Skyrim and declaring himself Emperor of the known world. One thing just led to another.


This is also a very good reason not to go looking for other dragonborn. They''ll be just like you: you'll end up killing each other.


Also, Tiber Septim apparently shouted at all the trees in Cyrodiil until they changed from tropical to deciduous. Go figure.

Edited by 92abcdefgh
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LOL What where'd you read the bit about the trees?


I agree 92, as I'm playing I'm thinking Damn, I'm leading everything. Call me Emperor already

that position's open.



I think if we can make the characters that are appointed very powerful and fleshed out people from all parts of Tamriel, we can make the dragons submitting to their authority (or however you'd word that) convincing, assuming they beat/burn their dragon (and preferably more) to submission first.

Edited by Yuurt
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We need to do something similar to what we did with Odahviing, challenge the dragon by calling it's name, a shouting it into submission with Fus Ro Dah, we greet like Dovah, meaning use the Fire Breath shout when they first show up, one from the dragon and one from the potential rider, that would be their first test, can they stand up to a dragons flame? If not they've got a pretty big problem.


Dragon Tests for Potential Riders:


1. Depending on the type of dragon (Normal, Blood, Elder, Swamp, Ancient, any I left out.) They all either breath Fire or Ice when fighting the player, so depending on the dragon these new riders can connect with they will have to know the corresponding shout to the dragons go-to shout. So, when the battle begins the recruit will have to use the voice to "greet" that dragon much like we did when we first met with Paarthurnax, he finished our Fire breath shout, then we had to greet him like a true Dovah by hitting him with it. So this should be a requirement for the first part of the battle, they have to greet each other like true Dovah, even if this new rider isn't Dovahkiin, they still must use the Voice, so the greeting is needed I think


2. After the greeting, the battle of wills begins, the Rider will have to use Fus Ro Dah to make the dragon submit, they can use any shout they want, but since Fus is the first one we learn, it would make sense for the recruits to learn it first as well. For training them in the voice we can do something similar to what the Greybeards did for us, we can give them our knowledge of the word, it's up to them to make it their own.


3. Depending on how long the battle goes on, if the recruit isn't strong enough to make the dragon submit, they chance being killed. We should be present for any battle so if we see that they are going to die, we can stop the battle by getting between them. We know we can withstand thier voices, so getting between them shouldn't pose a big threat to our health, unless of course the dragon decides to bite us.


4. Should the recruit win, the dragon submits and allows the recruit to ride it, they leave the field of battle and head off to the stronghold where their names will be recorded in the Dragon language, we can then activate these names to give us a new shout that would summon both the dragon and rider to the Dragonborn.


5. Losing means either disgrace or death. Depending on the character of the person one might be worse then the other. Though death is always a bad thing for people, some might value their honor more then their lives. (This is optional, though it could give us a reason to train the recruits better then if we didn't have the chance of being killed. If we want to give them a better chance to succeed, we train them longer then normal. After all we might not like a recruit and he would have to prove is worth with just the simple training)

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I like it. Only things to mention, aren't Swamp and Blood Dragons the same?



Also, I like your possibility of death for the recruits, which can be scripted so only certain recruits can die in the test, the other's just fall to the ground and limp away in time for you to intervene. Much like the Old Orcs that oen can encounter across Morrowind and Skyrim, certain races or people value their death, and fighting a dragon to get into the Dragon-Riders (whatever that is in Dragon tongue) is most likely VERY honorable.

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Yes, currently they share the same model and textures, but that should change once the CK is out. But I doubt they are the same really, if they are then ignore the swamp dragon bit, but I think they should be distinct types.
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Draco, I like the idea with recruiting, should work very well. By the way, Nonvul-Zin-Suleyk could be the battlecry of the order!


Finally, I don't have any experience with modding beyond basic competence with the CS, and I hope I'm not making a commitment I won't be able to keep, but I'd be willing to do voice-acting work for this mod if you ever need it. I can do a really good evil laugh :)

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I can do a good evil laugh as well, but I can't voice act, don't have the equipment for it. Never recorded a single thing on my computer ever. The dragon words in my signature are what dragons represent for me. I have them worded so they could be turned into dragon shouts which is why they are separated into only 3 words. There are other words I feel represent dragons to me, but they didn't flow right when I put them into a shout-format so I left them out. I like the idea though, we will need someone who can pronounce them properly and loudly enough to make them into a shout though. The second set of words could be our buffing shout, which would go really well.


Courage - Won't flee from battle

Grace - Would be more nimble, perhaps less damage

Strength - Pretty much says it all, will do more damage with melee weapons


As far as getting in over your head, everyone does that when they mod like this. I have a house mod that I'll likely never finish because I'm really bad at designing cells, but will cut that down by simply taking an all ready made cell and modifying it to work well with another random cell.

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I don't have any recording equipment and I've never tried it either, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. My voice might be deep enough to make a dragon :)


By the way, I looked up the elder scrolls wiki, and it turns out that Odahviing is a Red dragon, second in power only to Alduin and one of the last of his kind. The Tsanacei wiped them all out in a war on Akavir. When Alduin's gone, he's probably the most powerful dragon there is. That's what you have following you. I knew he was strong, but wow.


It starts to get confusing when you dig into the back story. Dragons are supposed to be an exiled race from Akavir, but they're also supposed to be the Divine equivalent of lesser deadra. Angels basically. And I've since learned that Alduin is Akatosh's son the way Jesus is God's son. They're one and the same, he's an aspect of a whole. Also, there's a book in one of the games that suggests Akatosh might just be violently insane. This may or may not have something to do with the Dragon Break, and event which, so far as I can tell, involved a group of priests trying to separate the Imperial side of Akatosh from the side the Elves worshipped (Auriel) out of racism, apparently. They were partially successful, in that they completely buggered the space-time continuum and caused several months of people 'giving birth to their grandfathers'. Really, it's no wonder Akatosh has had enough.


But now my head hurts, and I'm going to bed.

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