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Missing Voice in ``Throw Voice´´ Shout


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I originaly had my Skyrim in spanish but I didn't like the dub, so I traded it for an english copy, but now(among other bugs)some voices are missing. In the SPA Skyrim, whenever I used the``Throw voice´´ shout I could hear my char shouting some kind of insult, but now in the ENG Skyrim I only hear the normal shout sound and see the insult in the subititles. What's going on? Why that voice isn't working? Can it be fixed somehow?
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Tried that already. Also my Skyrim is DVD not Steam DL'd so maybe that check-up works only with Steam DL'd games.


EDIT: I checked the Voices.bsa and found the ``Throw Voice´´ voice lines. Get a look at this:




Is there anything missing there? Btw, my char's a female Khajiit.

Edited by Blake81
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Just went searching around for mention of this too. I have the issue now on my Dark Elf female, but I've not had any issues on the Nord female I played. Checking my Nord female character as we speak...


My Nord gets the voice normally, yet my Dark Elf does not. Seems like someone forgot to attach or add the sound files properly for some races. Dark Elves always had a noticeably different voice from Nords, so was quite interested to hear my Dark Elf's voice shouting those insults. And got disappointed. :(

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I found this from Google searching. I have the same problem with my Dunmer male. I Shout (ot ratherwhisper in this case) and I see the taunt in subtitles, but there is nothing audible. I thought this was normal until I was watching a Youtube video where the character could hear his insults. Sounded like maybe a Breton or Bosmer, not sure.
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Get a look at this ppl! I spoke with the friend I traded my Spanish Skyrim with and asked him to let me check his Voice.bsa and look what I found!




Check the pic I posted earlier and check this one. Do you see what I see? MORE THAN THE HALF OF THE VOICE FILES ARE MISSING FROM THE ENGLISH VERSION!!! What's the meaning of this! I wonder how many other thing are missing and we haven't even noticed yet!!


Now I ask all the Staff out there: Would it be legal if someone who has those missing files shared them with those who don't?

Edited by Blake81
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