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Mystery Box Style Shop


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Try this: You need to add the script to the button or the chest. And make sure all the properties have been filled in.

Create a fromlist in the CK which you fill with the guns you wan't to be able to add.

ScriptName MysteryboxScript Extends Objectreference
MiscObject Property Caps001 Auto    ;Auto fill this in the CK
FormList Property Guns Auto        ;A formlist of all the guns you want to add a random one to the container
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto        ; auto fill this in the CK
ObjectReference Property Chest Auto        ;Fill this Property with your chest
Message Property NotEnoughCapsMessage Auto    ;Create a messagebox in the CK to show if the player doesnt have enough caps.

Int AmountOfCapsToTake = 100 ;Here you decide how many caps to take from the player

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    If(PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Caps001) >= AmountOfCapsToTake)        ;Checks if the player has enough caps to give.
        PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Caps001, AmountOfCapsToTake)
        Int RandomValue = Utility.RandomInt(0, (Guns.GetSize() - 1))       ;This pics a random gun from the list
        Chest.AddItem(Guns.GetAt(RandomValue), 1)        ;Adds 1 gun from the list at random to he chest
    ElseIF(PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Caps001) < AmountOfCapsToTake)
Edited by LoneRaptor
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  On 9/3/2016 at 6:49 AM, ajs52698 said:

I just wrote that script for something to go off of,no idea if it works,im also a noob myself :tongue: it also doesn't include and dialog boxes or anything its just simply click box if player has caps roll dice give random item, you probably would want to use http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Message_Script to add some message boxes, the first tutorial of the video below goes into messages if you don't know how.



Heres some videos and information I used to learn what I know


This guy has great videos, watch all of them, I was recommended these myself



Heres some sources for events and functions.


Functions : http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Category:Papyrus


Events : http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Category:Events

You may be a noob but you are still much better than me at this stuff! This is more of an idea for a mod I am thinking of making so as for extra details such as messages and stuff they can come in the future!

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  On 9/3/2016 at 7:44 AM, LoneRaptor said:


Try this: You need to add the script to the button or the chest. And make sure all the properties have been filled in.


Create a fromlist in the CK which you fill with the guns you wan't to be able to add.


ScriptName MysteryboxScript Extends Objectreference
MiscObject Property Caps001 Auto    ;Auto fill this in the CK
FormList Property Guns Auto        ;A formlist of all the guns you want to add a random one to the container
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto        ; auto fill this in the CK
ObjectReference Property Chest Auto        ;Fill this Property with your chest
Message Property NotEnoughCapsMessage Auto    ;Create a messagebox in the CK to show if the player doesnt have enough caps.

Int AmountOfCapsToTake = 100 ;Here you decide how many caps to take from the player

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    If(PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Caps001) >= AmountOfCapsToTake)        ;Checks if the player has enough caps to give.
        PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Caps001, AmountOfCapsToTake)
        Int RandomValue = Utility.RandomInt(0, (Guns.GetSize() - 1))       ;This pics a random gun from the list
        Chest.AddItem(Guns.GetAt(RandomValue), 1)        ;Adds 1 gun from the list at random to he chest
    ElseIF(PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Caps001) < AmountOfCapsToTake)

Thanks man! I'll give that a try aswell!

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  On 9/3/2016 at 7:44 AM, LoneRaptor said:


Try this: You need to add the script to the button or the chest. And make sure all the properties have been filled in.


Create a fromlist in the CK which you fill with the guns you wan't to be able to add.


ScriptName MysteryboxScript Extends Objectreference
MiscObject Property Caps001 Auto    ;Auto fill this in the CK
FormList Property Guns Auto        ;A formlist of all the guns you want to add a random one to the container
Actor Property PlayerREF Auto        ; auto fill this in the CK
ObjectReference Property Chest Auto        ;Fill this Property with your chest
Message Property NotEnoughCapsMessage Auto    ;Create a messagebox in the CK to show if the player doesnt have enough caps.

Int AmountOfCapsToTake = 100 ;Here you decide how many caps to take from the player

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    If(PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Caps001) >= AmountOfCapsToTake)        ;Checks if the player has enough caps to give.
        PlayerREF.RemoveItem(Caps001, AmountOfCapsToTake)
        Int RandomValue = Utility.RandomInt(0, (Guns.GetSize() - 1))       ;This pics a random gun from the list
        Chest.AddItem(Guns.GetAt(RandomValue), 1)        ;Adds 1 gun from the list at random to he chest
    ElseIF(PlayerREF.GetItemCount(Caps001) < AmountOfCapsToTake)

Yea that works perfectly! Thanks a lot!! Now it's time to make a model and possibly an animation for it!!

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