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Why does everybody hate console players?


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I'm a PC user and IMO it doesn't make sense to look down on some players because they own a console. It's the same elitist bull that we had with Mac and PC...



Oh, I'm looking down on some players. I'm looking down on the lowest common denominator because that's what the gaming industry is aiming at. The lowest common denominator obviously has reading difficulties and a very short attention span. The lowest common denominator doesn't want to employ their brains or whatever is left of it and wants instant gratification. The lowest common denominator only cares about action, action, action and doesn't give a rats about a well written story.


And whilst the lowest common denominator can be found on every platform, the gaming industry suspects them to be console players. At least that's where the hear the clinking sound of coins. That's why I don't hate console players, but certainly the console hype.

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@ginnyfizz: I have nothing against flower arrangement. In fact some of my best friends are lumberjacks. Sorry couldn't resist the Monty Python's Flying Circus reference (the flower arrangement sketch is certainly among my favourite skits). I confess I made a sweeping statement but that was just to bring my point home. That's also why I used the adverb "probably" so I wouldn't offend PC gamers who happen to be into crosswords and other things.


I can relate to what you've posted as I have a kid brother who can't be bothered with things like story and dialogues. I'm not judging, it's his right to enjoy different games. He is a bright kid but we certainly don't look for the same things in videogames.


By the way, it's true that most teenagers can't concentrate that much nowadays. Attention deficit disorder is something that is more and more common and TV formats are probably to blame. After all when watching TV we have to log off during TV ads and these come up at regular intervals so they end up following a distinctive pattern (and probably a reason why we have 20 minute shows nowadays). I used to teach and it is obvious that you can't have kids spending more than 15 minutes on the same activity without them drifting off.


Games are being dumbed down to appeal to the masses, the masses just happen to own consoles. Does anyone seriously think that if consoles didn't exist the same wouldn't be happening on the PC? Blame those responsible, the developers and publishers, don't blame players or the hardware. Its also worth mentioning that the PC is really the home of casual gaming, 80 million and counting play Farmville, similar brainless games also attract huge numbers of players.


I think jim_uk is right. We should blame developers and publishers. Also that's also a pretty good point about Farmville. ;)


Oh, I'm looking down on some players. I'm looking down on the lowest common denominator because that's what the gaming industry is aiming at. The lowest common denominator obviously has reading difficulties and a very short attention span. The lowest common denominator doesn't want to employ their brains or whatever is left of it and wants instant gratification. The lowest common denominator only cares about action, action, action and doesn't give a rats about a well written story.


And whilst the lowest common denominator can be found on every platform, the gaming industry suspects them to be console players. At least that's where the hear the clinking sound of coins. That's why I don't hate console players, but certainly the console hype.


There is a ring of truth to the lowest common denominator factor and I think that it's simply because developers can't be bothered to make games that are adapted to different platforms. Take the Fable series for instance, these are clearly console games and there is nothing wrong about that (except that to some of us eating a bag of crisps is not as filling as a sirloin steak -even if we like both).


If we consider Skyrim the problem is that the PC version of the game has a pathetic UI and that controls are off (I play with a controller but I can't begin to imagine how awkward it must be with a keyboard and mouse). This is a shame and it's not so much because of consoles but because Bethesda didn't care to make a proper PC version of the game... That is true of Fallout 3 by the way, the unmodded UI requires plenty of scrolling to get anywhere when you're playing on a computer and this is totally unacceptable. Of course the good people at Bethesda know that in time some talented modder will provide an alternative (just like Darn UI for Fallout 3) but that doesn't make it right.


I think we could compare gaming with TV shows. Reality TV shows are not expensive and draw crowds so they keep being made while at the same time great TV shows are struggling to get renewed because of ratings and get cancelled to make room for more crap.


The truth is people are treated as consumers and we are expected to spend money and consume whatever is thrown our way -whether it's quality or garbage is irrelevant (garbage is much cheaper to make and doesn't require much talent). I'm not saying there isn't some clever and thought provoking reality show out there, I'm just saying that it's what happens when all that matters is return on investments...


I remember a time when RPGs used to be something mysterious to most people and when Dungeons and Dragons was (at best) considered to be some strange board game (a bit like Risk). Things have changed, for better or for worse RPGs are now familiar to the crowds and most people know at least a little about them. Computer RPGs are part of this democratization process. Nowadays people play CRPGs without being members of an elite with codes and rules that rivalled those of any secret society. People have come to embrace their inner nerditude and come to terms with their geekiness and this is a good thing as it means more acceptance for us RPers who used to be seen as weirdos twenty years ago.


I'm drifting away from the topic at hand and for that I do apologize.


What I'm driving at is that consoles are part of this democratization process. Consoles offer convenience to people who use them and as such they are popular with different breeds of gamers. Some gamers use them eclusively, others use them as a secondary platform and I think we would be surprised by the number of players who own the same titles both on the PC and the console(s).


The gaming industry is responsible for the current situation, not the gamers. They are hyping the game for the new crowds, for the "kids" and not for the old fans because they know they don't have to. After all most of us TES fans have waited months for Skyrim and it's true that the more hype a title gets the more disappointed fans will be.


I think that the reason why so many PC users are angry is because we PC users are being taken for granted and we feel that modders have to step in to make things right. That's not how it should be but that is no reason to blame our fellow gamers.

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I don't hate console players. My children have consoles (both PS3 and 360) and I love my children. My wife plays out of her Smart Phone and I love my wife. I do hate it when either one of my children ask me why they can't do what i do in my PC with their consoles. :whistling:
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For me the Pc is just another console ... and i buy games on the best possible console , for skyrim it's the Pc so i bought it on pc , Is there zelda skyward sword on pc ? no , so i bought it on wii .

But when a game come in Pc/xbox360/Ps3 i buy it on Pc because it's probably the best support for most game ( for patch and mod ) .


Well some Pc player will say that there are emulator for game that just come out on console, if they are able to emule the ps3/Xbox360 then they are right it's the best support for game ( I don't care of people who say it's piracy where i live they are no rules about it and it's perfectly legal to burn everything ) .

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, Is there zelda skyward sword on pc ?

It could be, if people started using PC - which can be upgraded. Suddently Nintento, Sony and Microsoft would focus on making controllers and computers aimed at certain things, not consoles that is outdated after a year, but not upgraded for the next 8.


Really, what can a console do, that a PC can not? Nothing. It makes so little sense. Why would you buy something that becomes outdated fast, can not be upgraded and ruins for PC users, than something that can be upgraded yearly?


EDIT: I got nothing against console players in general, just die hard console players and consoles themself. Personally, I own every console released since the gameboy - without color to Xbox360/PsP/DS/PS3/Wii. I havn't used any of them for about 3 years though. The only thing worth anything on a console is the games, and that is because the people make the developer keep having consoles. Remove consoles, and we got all games for PC. Wouldn't everybody be happy?

Edited by Matth85
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Matth it seem obvious but i will tell you why common people prefer Console .


First a console is less expensive than a good computer that can handle modern games .

Second a computer is hard to use for kids and old people .

They are other reasons but since i am completely sleep deprived and hungry i can't think to much .

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First a console is less expensive than a good computer that can handle modern games .

Issue: The consoles can't handle "modern" games. That is why the games are being crunched to oblivion.

Also, I spent as much money on this Laptop that run Skyrim on Ultra, as I did on my PS3 at release. This machine will last me ages before I need to get a new one, or upgrade my other computer. I get more for my money than an outdated system.


Second a computer is hard to use for kids and old people .

This really doesn't help the case that consoles are good, at all.

Children got problem with it? They also got problems with consoles. You need to help them turn on the console, the game and then they spend houres smaking the controller. You can do the same for the PC. It is not harder, it just got more options. Limit these options, and you get the same learning curve. If you learn them WASD before arrows, they are halfway there.


Old people? Get on a PS3 controller to the PC. Double click that Skyrim icon. Profit.


Really, the argument was: "PC is harder because it got more option that is totally irrelevant to gaming itself!"?

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I don't hate console players. I started out as one myself. But I rediscovered the PC and found out that there is a world of opportunity beyond the xbox and playstation. One thing is certain though.....a console game should not be directly ported to a pc game. skyrim is a prime example.
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Matth it seem obvious but i will tell you why common people prefer Console .


First a console is less expensive than a good computer that can handle modern games .

Second a computer is hard to use for kids and old people .

They are other reasons but since i am completely sleep deprived and hungry i can't think to much .


A computer is hard to use for kids and old people? I find that hard to believe, and a little patronising.

Where I come from, kids are taught computers in schools these days. And you would be surprised how old some of us computer users are. Those of us (includes me)now in the late forties to sixties age bracket were among the first generation to use and own computers as a matter of routine. "Silver surfers" of my parents generation are also finding computers easier than they thought.


Consoles are NOT easier to use when you have any disability affecting your hands, which I do. Complex controls that require a lot of mashing of different buttons at once have me reaching for the diclofenac. The consolised UI for Skyrim is hard for me because of being designed for a controller.

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