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Why does everybody hate console players?


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Haha I've actually never asked that before, all I do is just play the game like it's suppossed to be played

Then there would be no point in making it moddable.


I bare no hate towards consoles, but as many other people, i realize they slow down the progress of games, becouse they arent able to handle them like pc's can.

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Haha I've actually never asked that before, all I do is just play the game like it's suppossed to be played

Ah, yes, THAT is another thing, but I kind of agree with you, I only use mods that change the game a WHOLE lot AFTER finishing the game a few times, the only mods I use before beating the game a few times are killable children and other immersion enhancing things.

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I don't have a problem with consoles or those who play on them (I own a 360 and PS3), I have a problem with developers who think they have to dumb everything for console players. As a PC user the dumbing down pisses me off, as console user the suggestion that the games have to be dumbed down to appeal to me is insulting.


Haha I've actually never asked that before, all I do is just play the game like it's suppossed to be played


It's supposed to be modded, that's what they give us the tools for.

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