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Is the S.T.E.P. tutorial still the best modding tutorial?


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Hey all.


So I'm wanting to come back to Skyrim after seeing all these awesome retextures and such. I've learned a little while being away (mainly with Mod Organizer), and I am wanting to know if the STEP guide is still the best out there.

I'm curious because of tools like TES5Edit and WyreBash, the latter of which I've never used.

I'm fairly confident that this will be the LAST time I attempt to mod and play through Skyrim. I have a couple hundred hours into the game and I've never beaten it, because I get enticed with a new mod and break the game. >< I screw it up every time.




(LORE FRIENDLY modding goals are: enhanced retextures/models, better LOD loading, tweaked combat (archery) / talents, environment sounds, follower /horse enhancement, No new quests or spells or anything.)

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In the thread Morti has kindly linked for you in the post above, I have posted my recommended list on the first page. Under the Spoiler tag you will find sections like: Immersion, Animation, etc.


Here is a bit more indepth combat mod list:



I have personally steer away from "heavy" combat modifications in favor of much better and simpler lightweight solutions that have been released recently.


tktk Dodge 2.0 ~ After the update the script is much more responsive. Roll forward animation has been added.

tktk HitStop ~ Gives you better imput on successful strikes.\

tktk Ultimate Dragons 2.0 ~ If you liked Monster Hunter series, you will love the new Dragon behaviors. I have ditched DCO mod (and haven't looked back) after being forced to fight against mid air target for 90% of the fight. It still might be a good option for you, if you don't mind it.

Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim ~ Much better solution than buggy locational damage. With different side effects attached to wound system (tripping on leg injury, etc) it encourages you to not take chances with getting hit in critical areas (brute forcing your character through the fight with 10hp left and eating 100 cheese wheels mid combat).

Attack Commitment No turning during attacks

Better Jumping by meh321 ~ For uninterupted Sprint to Jump animations and more realistic jump distance (you can configure it in .ini file). SKSE .dll plugin, does not take space in your load order.

or Athletics Training - with MCM by Volek ~ If you don't mind scripts.

Duke Patricks - Skyrim Friction Fix II ~ Prevents actors from sliding from rocks and mountains, also disables Skyrim Space Program funded by Giants.

Combat Behavior Improved by Moljka ~ Removes movement restriction on block animation. Compatible with latest version of FNIS.

Kick Bash by evanoblivion + Forceful Bash by Borjoyzee with Realistic Ragdolls and Force ~~~ Video (NPCs will also perform it)

Follow Me and Swim After Me by Tonycubed2 - Sands of Time Team

Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed by brump

Archery Gameplay Overhaul ~ Mostly for the new immersive animations.

Skyrim - Enhanced Camera by LogicDragon ~ For first person mesh compability with custom animations. Also forces realistic physics/perspective in 1st person on being knocked to the ground or ragdolling after death. Plus you can see yourself carring your weapon when you look down.

D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation ~ You don't want to spend most of your time on the ground being stomped.

Get Out Of My Way by Volek ~ When NPCs don't move away fast enough. Also works with Highwayman initial dialogue.




Combat Evolved ~ Changes Wildcats's enemy attack patterns and can be loaded after it without loosing wound system.




Right now I'm using Nordic 2handed attack animations by cyh0405. You will need new FNIS to patch all new animations. Watch this video guide on how to use it with Mod Organizer. -Link-


TES5Edit is mandatory. Original Bethesda .esm files have dirty edits and require cleaning. While dirty edits don't cause many problems for vanilla game, they become an issue when you start editing (modding) content.

You can also scan all your mods with it for any potential conflict and then try to resolve them.


WyreBash is most often used for creating bashed patches for mods editing loot list.


To solve your LOD issues you will have to use Dyndolod. It's a bit of a hassle to install, but there is no way around it if you want perfectly matching models and textures.

I'm not sure how beefy is your computer, but the best way to not have any LOD pop up in your face is to increase loaded cell count from 5 to 7 (uGrid). I didn't had any problems with quest firing, however I account that to my 4.5ghz i7 cpu.



You might want to give Cutting Room Floor and Opening Scene Overhaul a go. They both restore unfinished Bethesda's quests and content.

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