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CTD problem with Dragon Combat Overhaul


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Hi, I'm caught in a constant loop of CTDs in a new playthrough of the game. Setting up what happens; I leave Jorrvaskr and head outside on a brisk, beautiful morning when 3 dragons decide for have a fiesta in Whiterun and no sooner have they arrived that the game crashes. This is quite obviously annoying as I love DCO and find the challenge of killing dragons much more tougher and enjoyable with this mod and least be honest, Apollodown sold me completely with his amazing description. This definitely can't be put down to a hardware failure as my specs for my gaming laptop are pretty up there. Could this be a scripting issue as checking the papyrus logs does detail a lot of missing properties, for example:

warning: Property DragonBloodWingLFXArmor on script DCOMooseAndSquirrel attached to Active effect 4 on (FF0012E6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

warning: Property DragonBloodWingRFXArmor on script DCOMooseAndSquirrel attached to Active effect 4 on (FF0012E6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

warning: Property DragonBloodTailFXArmor on script DCOMooseAndSquirrel attached to Active effect 4 on (FF0012E6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

warning: Property DragonBloodHeadFXArmor on script DCOMooseAndSquirrel attached to Active effect 4 on (FF0012E6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

Now I hate having to look at papyrus logs as much as the next person by it does seem like having a issue script-wise so what are my options here? I've left the same post on the mod page's comment section but have yet to get a response.

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You'll have to be more in-depth with what you mean by checking DCO for errors as the mod page doesn't really offer much for troubleshooting this specific problem. The game runs fine until the assault event kicks in and the dragons show up. Viewing the logs did show the warning lines I posting above and as Moose And Squirrel is a definite part of DCO I know that the problem lies solely on it. Could it maybe be due to script lag though?

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Checking for error gave me this:

[00:00] Checking for Errors in [06] Dragon Combat Overhaul.esp
[00:00] DCOGeothermalLimitBreakForEnch "Geothermal" [MGEF:06020DDD]
[00:00] MGEF \ VMAD - Virtual Machine Adapter \ Data \ Scripts \ Script \ Properties \ Property \ Value \ Object Union \ Object v2 \ FormID -> [0402086F] < Error: Could not be resolved >
[00:00] DCOPortalHazard [HAZD:06027FAA]
[00:00] HAZD \ DATA - Data \ Spell -> Found a ENCH reference, expected: NULL,SPEL
[00:00] DCOShockCircle "Circle of Protection Hazard" [HAZD:06027FA5]
[00:00] HAZD \ DATA - Data \ Spell -> Found a ENCH reference, expected: NULL,SPEL
[00:00] DCOBlizzardHazard [HAZD:06027FA8]
[00:00] HAZD \ DATA - Data \ Spell -> Found a ENCH reference, expected: NULL,SPEL
[00:00] DCODarkFogHazard [HAZD:06027FA3]
[00:00] HAZD \ DATA - Data \ Spell -> Found a ENCH reference, expected: NULL,SPEL
[00:00] DCOLargeInvisibleHazard "Fire" [HAZD:06029022]
[00:00] HAZD \ DATA - Data \ Spell -> Found a ENCH reference, expected: NULL,SPEL
[00:00] DCOAssaultTalonEntry [QUST:0603FDE3]
[00:00] QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "DCOAssaultTalonEntry [QUST:0603FDE3]">
[00:00] QUST \ Aliases \ Alias \ Conditions \ Condition \ CTDA - \ Parameter #1 -> <Warning: Quest Alias not found in "DCOAssaultTalonEntry [QUST:0603FDE3]">
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While still in Jorraskr open Console type "COC Whiterun" for a quick fix. Or any place you like to get further away from the dragon.




Reading the papyrus log does nothing on crashes, it the CrashDumps that you need to read. Found @ Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SKSE\Crashdumps. Just Saying.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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While still in Jorraskr open Console type "COC Whiterun" for a quick fix. Or any place you like to get further away from the dragon.




Reading the papyrus log does nothing on crashes, it the CrashDumps that you need to read. Found @ Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SKSE\Crashdumps. Just Saying.

Don't seem to have a crash dump file in my SKSE folder, is there any way I can fix that?


EDIT: Figured out how to get the crash dump file but when I try to upload it to an online dump analysis website I get an error saying that the file could not be uploaded


EDIT: Viewing the crash dumps files they all have 0kb so I'm guessing that even though my game is crashing, the dump files aren't retrieving any data on why this is happening.

Edited by TheLadClo12
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