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Burn your trash & Armor sounds and...


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Burn your trash!

Wouldn't it be cool if you could drop those useless bounty's, letters, and books in the fire to be consumed by the flames? Or maybe you pick something up by mistake and dont want to run all the way to the shop to sell it just for a few coins, just drop in any fire near by and all your problems are solved.


Armor sounds

Could somebody please make a realistic sound mod for armors? I hate running around in HEAVY ARMOR and there is a deafening sound of unrealsticness.


Show your weapons

I believe this mod exist in New Vegas but I am to lazy to look for it. So the idea of this mod is you equip your weapons and even if your not using that current weapon it will not disappear when equipping say your sword from your bow but stay shown on your character. Maybe somebody can port it or maybe by chance the original modder is reading this if he/she could port it to Skyrim.


Thats all I got for now but Im sure I will be posting more in the future.

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