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Idea for CTD troubleshooting program


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Hi all! I am new to these forums, and the nexus as a whole, so please bear with me if I disregard any common etiquette, or if needed direct me to the correct page to post this on.


I have been having problems with CTDs on startup with fallout 4 for a while now, and although possible, it is one hell of a pain going through every mod to see what is broken or not working. I have tried LOOT (BOSS) and it solves problems with the load order, but not with individual mods. So I propose a solution. A (presumably) somewhat simple mod/program/addon for NMM that automates the process of uninstalling all mods, then reinstalling and starting up fallout to test each one. If i could run this mod/program/addon overnight and it would tell me the conflicts and problematic mods in the morning, it would save a lot of time which could be used for playing the actual game. This could be easily applied to all the games on NMM and would help everyone out a lot.

So what I am asking for: someone to either make this, give me directions on how to make it, or point me to a similar program that I have somehow missed.

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If this were easy it would have been made many years ago as the CTD in Beth games has been around since Morrowind. The sheer number of mods that would have to be tested makes this impossible with current technology.


Look through your mods for any that mod the same thing or the same location. These will be the most likely suspects.

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