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[PerMa] Archery not viable?


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I still prefer BOSS. I've had no end of trouble with LOOT putting things in clearly the wrong order.




the only real issue I've had is the bow damage, and that appears to have fixed itself.


Well, not really. You said you tweaked things in the CK and changed them back and then made a PerMa patch.


With some mods, particularly complex ones, installing correctly can also be very important. The Original and Most Excellent UFO had very specific instructions for installing and similar instructions and a script to uninstall and revert to Vanilla followers, but people still had problems simply because they wouldn't RTFM. Mostly, it was installing things with NMM without actually understanding what they were doing, even though one of the first instructions was to never use NMM or ANY Mod Manager and to follow the manual instructions.



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