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My thoughts on Nuka world (spoiler alert)


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Maybe a stupid question but I have not found a Workshop in my "home" which is pretty disgusting - do we have to wait for a Mod to let us redecorate this place ?








So yes, he did have to wait until a mod "fixed" this matter.


My point was, he doesnt have to wait, theres already a mod...

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Maybe a stupid question but I have not found a Workshop in my "home" which is pretty disgusting - do we have to wait for a Mod to let us redecorate this place ?








I'm still in the process of clearing out the parks- just found out I'm gonna need the power on to complete Star Control, and there doesnt seem to be a specific quest to turn it on, so Im headed to the power plant today. So far I'm not really seeing much difference between the Disciples, The Pack, and your garden variety Raider, I'd happily kill them all, but the Operators seem to be more like the Gunners in that they might actually be reasonable (for the most part, of course they still have thier psychopath outliers)- I'd love to have the option to offer them a choice: "Join the Minutemen and make the world a better place, or you can join your fellow raiders- in the ground."


For some dumb reason though, all three 'factions' share aggro, so if I shoot a Disciple in town, everyone turns on me. Hey, I'm the 'Overboss' right? I should get a few free kills for the lulz...


Its even worse than that, actually- I had to reload a game last night and go back like 30 minutes, cause I killed a patrol of Disciples outside of the park, but somehow when I returned, everyone was all pissed off at me- what happened to "what happens in the Wasteland stays in the Wasteland?"

okay, yeah- I swear I just 'found' these six sets of Disciple gear just laying around- but still...



Thanks for the link. To be honest I got a bit bored with the Operator side quests last night so when I was offered the quest to just kill all the Raiders I hesitated then did it, and headed straight over to the power plant to turn it on.

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I honestly think that you should have been allowed to conquer the park, kill off all of the raiders, and rule it as you please; as an option. In short, you should have been given the option to kill off all of the existing raider tribes and build an entirely new community around the traders left inside the park. This means expanding the existing Trader settlement and creating a new town like Diamond City except at Nuka World.


The dynamic of expanding beyond the park as a raider boss seems to placate newer characters not yet heavily invested into the Minute Men. However, most players, as in 80-90% of them possess heavily defended and built up Minute Men Fortresses at every possible settlement site. We are HEAVILY invested into the Minute Men, and the only way to properly enjoy this DLC is simply to restart your character from the ground up... which most people including myself have no interest in doing.


As the DLC is currently implemented, it is impossible to enjoy the main quests without going full-on raider scumbag and alienating every single super-settlement that you've constructed. Oh sure, you can kill the raiders and free the traders, but then you're left with an empty park, an empty town, and frankly nothing to do other than explore. The grand plan to conquer and rule the park frankly as a Feudal Lord frankly dies with the raiders.


However, if the option to build up the community without the raiders had been offered? Well, then things would be different. What I wanted in this DLC was to go into this theme park and build an empire. What I got was just that... except at a cost. I can build my empire, but only by burning the Minute Men I've spent 150 solid lvls crafting into a force not to be trifled with.

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PERSONALLY, I have no problem with restarting. I do it all the time. It's more like, I feel that NW comes a bit late to be a real alternative. You don't even get the quest until level 30, and unless you play on easy, probably level 50 is a better idea. That's rather many hours into the game. If I'm at all interested in settlements in that game, then I've already built a few - and got like 3 more given to me whether I want them or not in Far Harbor -- so giving me raiders at that point is kinda late TBH.


Don't get me wrong, I generally like the NW DLC. Just... I kinda wish the option to join the raiders came earlier. Preferably right before Concord.

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