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Chem Resistant and Lead Belly Survival effects


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Chem Resistant and Lead Belly are two perks I've never used. Chem addiction was never much of a problem for me, and food and water are hardly the biggest source of radiation in the Commonwealth. I have an idea to make them more useful for Survival mode. My idea is for the perks to be made more useful by giving them extra effects for Survival mode. Chem Resistant will reduce how dehydrated you get from using chems, and Lead Belly will reduce your chances of getting a disease from raw food or dirty water.

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I got some similar idea like:


  • Endurance reduce overall chances of getting ill, like -50% at 10 END.
  • Lead Belly reduce hunger and thirst rate, and increase satiety as well as buff duration from food and drink.
  • Life Giver gradually shorten the duration of disease, at Lvl 3 and you'll be fine within a day or two. Keeping nourished also help.
  • Chem Resistant 2 grant all chem some kind of reduce fatigue effect for a short period of time, similar to caffeine (Party Person perhaps?) and yeah, reduce ill chance as well as dehydration degree.
  • Aquaperson reduce chance from swimming and drinking dirty water.
  • Adamantium reduce chance from injures.
  • Ghoulish 1 and 2 gradually reduce chances of all source, Lvl 3 grant immunity.
  • Solar Powered reduce overall chance and duration at day; Night Person increase sleeping effect and hours needed for Well Rested (Or even keeping Adrenaline?)
  • You'll never get ill when sleeping in your settlement, under shelter, on a clean bed.
  • Simplified and stronger herbal.


I just started learning modding solely because I'm really getting sick of getting sick, being tired of being tired, but turning them off kills the fun, anyway, you get the idea.

Edited by darkequation
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