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Looking for a specific armor but not sure what


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I know the title's like...looking for specific...but not know what... I know, I know.


I've been through most of the armors here and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.


I'm looking for something that would fit in with vanilla, and something of Daedric or Aedric origin. A light armor. Dark, but has to offer a good armor rating.


I'm not looking for a conversion of Daedric to Light Armor or anything. I suppose I could do some work on my own if I can'd find what I'm looking for but somebody else had to have a similar idea.


I guess what I'm trying to describe is "light robed daedric armor". Something not too over the top, yet scary as heck, and looks light enough to actually be carried in a pack. I'll keep looking and checking here. If I can't find it I'll make it myself.

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First off I suggest posting in the sticky for this sort of thing:



Also I don't know if you're looking specifically for Male, Female, Sexy, Silly, or Serious type armors. Here's a few to look at if you haven't already.


Nightingale Prime HD

Shadow Ranger Gear

Nightmare Armor

Celes Nightingale Armor


Nightingale Lace

Daedric Chainmail Refined

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