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Does changing your followers name mess anything up?


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if i go into the ESP in CK and only change the name...or stats or text or abilities but not anything dealing with appearance it wont mess up my face gen stuff will it?


If i change the skin color code but no physical features will i still be safe?


I have a few followers i want to pack up but wanted to change their names first, and maybe skin tone on one.,. advice?

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For the skin tone it should be fine and if you change the name on Ck it should change the files related to it as well so make a backup change the names and see if it works :laugh: .

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If your game save has a History Of Said Follower good luck changing the Stats, Abilities, what ever with the Creation Kit. If you can code and do dynamically with OnInit Event it will change, Stats, Abilities, what ever you want. :laugh:


So make all your changes, and Restart the Game from the beginning with a Clean Save or Not.


NOTE: Has a Modder I have restarted Skyrim once a week for pass 4 months to see my changes during development in game. So Play or Mod, you cannot have both. :sad:

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