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I'm not sure what I did wrong, you tell me please. I made a mesh, got it textured, put it in oblivion with construction set, started oblivion, I see it, its there but i cant pick it up. I think its collision. IF it is tell me how to get collision on it, do I do it in blender or Nifskope?
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I'm not sure what I did wrong, you tell me please. I made a mesh, got it textured, put it in oblivion with construction set, started oblivion, I see it, its there but i cant pick it up. I think its collision. IF it is tell me how to get collision on it, do I do it in blender or Nifskope?
Yes, this is related to collision data.


I'll assume you're talking about a longsword since you didn't say what it is.


Take an existing Bethesda mesh/NIF that is very similar to yours (such as the Steel Longsword). Rename the steel longsword to the filename of your final mesh (as this will become your final product). Then open the steel longsword in NifSkope, delete the NiTriStrip branches. Open another NifSkope window and load your model. For each NiTristrip (actual piece of the model), select Copy Branch and switch the the Steel Longsword, right-click the Root NiNode and select Paste Branch.


Be sure to enable Havok to see what the collision box/cylindar looks like. If it fits good enough, your done...otherwise you might need to tweak the size/position of the collision data.



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I'm not sure what I did wrong, you tell me please. I made a mesh, got it textured, put it in oblivion with construction set, started oblivion, I see it, its there but i cant pick it up. I think its collision. IF it is tell me how to get collision on it, do I do it in blender or Nifskope?
Yes, this is related to collision data.


I'll assume you're talking about a longsword since you didn't say what it is.


Take an existing Bethesda mesh/NIF that is very similar to yours (such as the Steel Longsword). Rename the steel longsword to the filename of your final mesh (as this will become your final product). Then open the steel longsword in NifSkope, delete the NiTriStrip branches. Open another NifSkope window and load your model. For each NiTristrip (actual piece of the model), select Copy Branch and switch the the Steel Longsword, right-click the Root NiNode and select Paste Branch.


Be sure to enable Havok to see what the collision box/cylindar looks like. If it fits good enough, your done...otherwise you might need to tweak the size/position of the collision data.




Ok, thank you. I have done that before and it said: Nif version differ, Current file version clipboard data version I press ok but nothing shows up in nifskope. (it is a longsword)

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You might have the wrong software versions of Blender, NifSkope, NIFScripts, Python and/or PyFFI.


I keep a software bundle for Blender of all the versions that work well together.



I got everything from your bundle pack. I looked on the CS Wiki and I was following it and it said to just click continue, but nothing shows up on the render.

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Ok thanks guys for your help. I just got one more question, i have collision on my sword, but the handle part of the collision, is not lined up with my handle how do I move it to where it needs to be?
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Ok thanks guys for your help. I just got one more question, i have collision on my sword, but the handle part of the collision, is not lined up with my handle how do I move it to where it needs to be?

Expand the bhkCollisionObject, then the bhkRigidBody, then bhkListShape to see all your collision objects under it.



Then select one and change one of the X, Y, Z coordinates.



See what moved, make adjustments or reset the original value.



Rinse, Lather, Repeat.

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Ok guys, thanks for all your help, I can finally get this mod going. I tested out the longsword that I was messing with, and it worked fine. Now I got like 14 meshes to make. :pinch:
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