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i too, dont know what video card to get


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well, my computer as of now is


Pentium 3 500mhz

15gig HD

Current Video Card - SiS_315e, runs like a geforce 256

17inch monitor

A-open motherboard, agp4x compatible


ok, my budget is $200, or $400, it all depends on if i can get my christmas money back off my mum (shes a little angry at me buying games), hopefully, i get $250 Australian dollars, not american, not pounds, australian ;) .


ok, im mainly after a radeon series card, but, i want one that can run morrowind 1024x768 draw distance either 50% or higher, over a constant 23fps in balmora, because ive seen a geforce 4mx 440 do it, at the same, so my computer should easily be able to do so.

but, ive looked at the prices, and i can see radeon 9200 128mb ddr for 80-120 dollars, but, i want something reliable, something powerful, like the video card Dark0ne has, geforce 4 ti4200, although, i doubt a ti4600 is in my budget margin.

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All right let's sort this out...



These types of cards are of high quality but they arent what you could call cheap

The best radeons are the 9700/9800 However those types of cards are above 200 euro so also around 200 dollar.


Then you have the G-force

First the ones you defenitly dont buy

GF 4 MX 64 MB

GF 4 Ti 4200 128 mb

GF FX 5200


These are the worst on the market and I strongly advise not to buy these cards


If you want a good card you might want to check the GF4 Ti 4800 ( pay attention on the 4800, different of the 4200 )

Unfortunaly this card is also around the 180 euros, so also something around the 170-180 dollar. You also might want to try the other G-Force FX cards but they are quiete expensive.


Altough for any of these cards I suggest you might want to boost up your pc. Before you buy any of these cards make sure you ask first if your pc can handle it. Just in case...

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