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RebornShadow - BANNED

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RebornShadow banned.




To be honest, this could've been done with Paint. There is no work involved. The dragons are ugly. It's something to f*** around with in your own game, but sharing it.. is just stupid.


I hope that someone removes this file.


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Hello there.


I just saw that I've been banned for "trolling".

I'm really sorry if you thought that I was trolling, I've seen the post and to be honest.. it wasn't intended to be trolling. Is it forbidden to post my opinion about something? It was my second comment and I think a warning could've been enough..


Is it possible to unban the account and warn me instead? It won't happen again.


You have actually re-read this and still don't see it as trolling? This goes beyond just "opinion."


You've basically pissed in his Cheerios, called him stupid for sharing and basically asking us to be quality Nazis and remove anything you think is sub-standard.


Sorry, I'm not convinced you wouldn't do the same thing again.


Your 2nd account, R3bornSh4dow, is now banned as well.



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