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Maces, Swords or Axes?


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  • 3 weeks later...
I read a lot of forums, and i still can't decide cuz i haven't heard one comment with a strong fact. My guess is that swords are cool but a bit overrated especially as 2h weapons. One handed maybe cuz they're faster and all that, and besides if critical hit is double damage then ex: 10 dmg 20% crit chance makes it 12 dmg overall not that big a deal in my opinion. I can't talk about bleed damage because i don't know what it is (probably the same as in wow), 75% armor penetration with maces sounds pretty nice to me.
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I ran through my first character with axes which was fun, and there was much more power than what swords crank out

now im on my second run through using a sword and shield and i think that sword is much nicer in comparison, it just feels more balanced and if you spend the perks, you get crits like crazy. it just seems to have a better feel to me.

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I use Maces (with Soultrap) against Draugr - great for cracking those ancient gnarled bones - other than that sword in one hand Flames in the other.


I Know the Silver hand scum drop silver weps - but can silver werps be crafted? A silver (legendary) Mace should be great against undead.

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Maces are really nice and have the best perk - Ignore armor. Also, they are perfect for staggering. I use them for the warrior.


For assassin character, I use dual-wielding daggers - which have great speed and but a slightly less damage than, say, swords, when improved with smithing.

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