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Hello Guys,

I started skyrim a couple months ago and I just finished the main questline with Dawnguard. I installed several mods to help skyrim look better than the original version however, I notice whiterun has been extremely buggy and making that area completely unplayable. At first, it was basically just whiterun being a ban of fps which I fixed. However, now when i do some quest or travel somewhere, return to whiterun will be almost impossible and will CTD. Sometime i have to travel to white run and when i try to exit to the maingate it will load and spawn me in skyrim with 60 fps then CTD several seconds later. Breezehome will sometime be asscable and sometime it will CTD after a few second of spawning me in. PLEASE HELP.

Bannared Taver, is unusable after doing the quest where you have to find the redguard

the blessing of nature is undoable since i can't even enter the temple of kynareth.



here are my mod list 103

Olive Follower Followers 09/01/16 8:55:45 PM 09/01/16 8:55:21 PM 1000188870 1.1 / Final Teylin and 4pull Eyvi Follower Followers 09/01/16 8:55:23 PM 09/01/16 8:54:25 PM 1000189123 1.1 / Final Teylin and 4pull Tisse Follower Followers 09/01/16 8:56:00 PM 09/01/16 8:53:51 PM 1000193359 1.1 / Final Teylin and 4pull Skyrim - Enhanced Camera - Enhanced Camera 1.4 Immersion 09/01/16 8:17:05 PM 09/01/16 8:13:21 PM 1000218183 1.4 / 1.4 LogicDragon Dual Sheath Redux Immersion 09/01/16 8:13:18 PM 09/01/16 7:20:42 PM 1000184038 1.7.3 / 1.7.3 Neovalen UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Heartfire AddOn Companions - Other 09/01/16 6:26:55 PM 09/01/16 6:26:47 PM 103243 1.0a / 1.2j.b15 Original - fLokii -- Recent updates - Vamyan UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Dawnguard AddOn Companions - Other 09/01/16 6:26:54 PM 09/01/16 6:26:43 PM 1000000446 1.0b / 1.2j.b15 Original - fLokii -- Recent updates - Vamyan TES5Edit - TES5Edit_3_1_2 Utilities 09/01/16 5:59:16 PM 09/01/16 5:59:06 PM 1000210063 3.1.2 / 3.1.3 ElminsterAU Daedric Reaper Armor - A. Daedric Reaper Armor 4K UNP Armour 09/01/16 4:53:43 PM 09/01/16 4:51:34 PM 1000176902 1.03 / 1.04 Deserter X Sotteta Necromancer Outfit UNP - CBBE - D. Sotteta Necromancer 2k - CBBE Armour 09/01/16 4:53:20 PM 09/01/16 4:50:31 PM 1000134944 1.5 / 1.5 Deserter X - Mitosuke Sword of the Ancient Tongues - Two Handed Version Weapons 09/01/16 4:47:37 PM 09/01/16 4:39:44 PM 1000103996 1.0 / 1.0 Corvalho Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower - Sofia Follower v.2.03 (BSA) Companions - Other 09/01/16 4:37:12 PM 09/01/16 4:34:12 PM 1000150783 v.2.03 / v.2.03 John Jarvis and Christine Slagman Sexy Vests (T)BBP - CBBE-UNP(B)-DG-7B-CHSBHC - SexyVest - 7B Bombshell B-cup Clothing 09/01/16 4:37:07 PM 09/01/16 4:32:43 PM 1000109906 4.01 / 4.01 Xauss Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch - Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch Patches 08/31/16 11:34:18 PM 08/31/16 11:30:45 PM 1000214850 3.0.5 / 3.0.5 Unofficial Patch Project Team Dragonbone Barbarian Armors - 7B - UNPB - UUNP - CBBE - Bodyslide - Dragonbone Barbarian Armors 1.6 Armour 08/31/16 7:22:18 PM 08/31/16 7:13:25 PM 1000180420 1.6 / 1.6 Shocky HDT and Bodyslide conversion for Frigus' Tera Armor Collection CBBE - HDT Bodyslide for Frigus' Tera Armor Collection CBBE Armour 08/31/16 7:16:59 PM 08/31/16 7:07:23 PM 1000131980 1 / v2.1 raisuli2013 BodySlide and Outfit Studio Utilities 08/31/16 10:34:43 PM 08/31/16 7:07:13 PM 1000218832 3.7.3 / 3.7.3 Caliente and Ousnius Hell Sword - Hell Sword V 1_1 Weapons 08/30/16 10:40:42 PM 08/30/16 10:38:39 PM 72750 1.1 / 1.1 adaptation by Newermind43 TERA Weapons Collection for Skyrim - TERA Weapons Weapons 08/30/16 7:17:27 PM 08/30/16 7:13:35 PM 102819 1.1 / 1.1 Iromizu SKYRIM Save Cleaner - SKYRIM Save Cleaner Utilities 08/28/16 10:57:37 AM 08/28/16 10:57:22 AM 1000028571 1.9.1 / 1.9.1 seifer69er wgoulart_Ifrit Sexy Colection Armor and Wepons Standalone - Bug Fix Ifrit Armor and Weapons craftable refinable male and famele Armour 08/30/16 10:21:35 PM 08/27/16 3:02:12 PM 31543 1 / 1 wgoulart R18Pn 06 - Diano Armor for UNP and CBBE v3 - DianoCBBEv3v1dot1full Armour 08/27/16 3:04:09 PM 08/27/16 2:59:24 PM 52794 1.1 / 1.1 NPR LustDesign - Sovngarde Steel Armor v2 - CBBE_UNP_CHSBHC_ADEC - Sovngarde Steel Armor - Version 2 - CBBEv3 Armour 08/27/16 3:04:03 PM 08/27/16 2:59:00 PM 59680 2.0 / 2.0 Lustrianna Mour Follower Followers 09/01/16 4:53:16 PM 08/27/16 2:31:39 PM 1000201652 1.02 / 1.02 Teylin and Mr Cat HDT Breast And Butt Physics - TBBP BBP Supported - Standard - With collision Animation 08/27/16 2:36:39 PM 08/27/16 2:20:44 PM 1000109647 v1.4 / v1.4 threedeedevil HDT Physics Extensions - HDT Physics Extensions Patches 08/27/16 2:44:03 PM 08/27/16 2:18:49 PM 1000109251 14.28 / 14.28 HydrogensaysHDT Dwarven Bikini Armor - Dwarven bikini armor v1.1 Main file 7BO body type Armour 08/27/16 2:43:37 PM 08/27/16 2:18:37 PM 1000209972 v1.1 / v1.1 nisekoflio NetImmerse Override - NetImmerse Override v3-4-4 Modders resources and tutorials 08/27/16 2:50:48 PM 08/27/16 2:17:25 PM 1000180569 3.4.4 / 3.4.4 Expired ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full Hair and face models 08/23/16 11:07:54 PM 08/23/16 9:36:59 PM 1000145124 1.6.Full / 1.6.Full Apachii Underground Bathhouse and Paradise Valley Abodes - Player homes 08/22/16 8:44:25 PM 08/22/16 6:59:07 PM 1000121466 6.0 / 6.0 Andragon Companion Selene Kate - DreamGirl-TBBP - Companions - Other 08/22/16 7:58:37 PM 08/22/16 6:57:41 PM 1000106642 1.6.0 / 1.6.0 Kasprutz and Hello Santa TERA Armor Collection - CBBE - standalone - TERA Armors CBBE by frigus Armour 08/22/16 8:41:10 PM 08/22/16 6:55:02 PM 1000076399 1.3 / 1.3 Frigus RaceCompatibility with fixes Modders resources and tutorials 08/22/16 5:06:52 PM 08/22/16 5:05:17 PM 1000198086 1.97 / 1.97 TMPhoenix Arise - Chapter 1 - The Black Sacrament - Black Sacrament Armor V4-1 - Standard Def Armour 08/22/16 5:08:10 PM 08/22/16 5:04:23 PM 81463 4.1 / 4.1 AmethystDeceiver Marriable Serana NPC 08/22/16 5:05:54 PM 08/22/16 5:02:05 PM 1000037013 1.6.2 / 1.6.2 C0drm0nk33 Celes Nightingale Armor UUNP - CBBE - A. Celes Nightingale Armor and Weapons UNP 4K High Heels Armour 08/22/16 4:57:08 PM 08/22/16 4:56:38 PM 1000172507 1.21 / 1.21 Deserter X Temptress Race - Temptress Complete v1_3 Races, classes and birthsigns 08/22/16 5:06:18 PM 08/22/16 4:55:50 PM 69267 1.3 / 1.3 Psychos1s and Brokefoot Black Rose CBBE TBBP Armour 08/22/16 5:06:55 PM 08/22/16 4:54:52 PM 1000086552 1.0 / 1.0 nakrulz Cannabis Skyrim - Cannabis Skyrim 0dot1dot6dot1 Immersion 08/22/16 4:28:47 PM 08/22/16 4:27:42 PM 1000023067 / MadNuttah and Virakotxa Bathing Beauties or Beefcake - Luxury Suite - Bathing Beauties or Beefcake Luxury Suite 6-1 Abodes - Player homes 08/21/16 10:11:33 PM 08/21/16 10:10:24 PM 1000217064 6.1 / 6.1 Migal and OldMansBeard Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Behavior V6_3 Animation 08/21/16 9:44:53 PM 08/21/16 9:43:07 PM 1000209375 V6.3 / V6.3 fore Cassandra Frost Witch Outfit UUNP - CBBE - A. Cassandra Frost Witch Outfit 4K UNP Armour 08/21/16 8:59:11 PM 08/21/16 8:58:35 PM 1000171838 1.01 / 1.01 Deserter X Better Shape Creature Models and textures 08/21/16 8:57:54 PM 08/21/16 8:55:59 PM 1000101761 2.4 / 2.4 AnTiWoMaAgNoT Succubus Armor by Hentai 1dot2 - Succubus Armor by Hentai 1dot3 Armour 08/21/16 7:18:32 PM 08/21/16 7:18:18 PM 50517 1.3 / 1.3 Hentai Edhildils Skimpy Vampire Armor BBP - Edhildils Skimpy Vampire Armor BBP v1_2 Armour 08/21/16 6:41:43 PM 08/21/16 6:41:37 PM 1000059946 1.2 / 1.2 Edhildil Private Squad V02N - Private Squad V02N - BTRH Followers - Followers 08/21/16 6:43:01 PM 08/21/16 6:39:47 PM 1000207130 V02N / V02N borntoraisehell1979 The Art of Magicka - The Art of Magicka - UNP-LOW REZ Clothing 08/21/16 6:37:38 PM 08/21/16 6:31:18 PM 1000036556 8.0d / 8.0d Zonzai and Kalell and UKC Warglaives and Silverlight Armor 099 CBBE - Silverlight Armor 0992 CBBE Weapons and armour sets 08/21/16 6:37:05 PM 08/21/16 6:30:59 PM 48182 0.992 / 0.992 jojjo and Frozzled sexy idle Animation Animation 08/21/16 5:47:40 PM 08/21/16 5:35:10 PM 1000180183 1.1 / 1.1 Kamo1 ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer - ShowRaceMenu PreCacheKiller 1_3 Patches 08/21/16 1:00:35 PM 08/21/16 1:00:03 PM 1000018824 1.3 / 1.3 kapaer UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul Companions - Other 08/21/16 12:57:31 AM 08/21/16 12:56:55 AM 102248 1.2i / 1.2i Original - fLokii -- Recent updates - Vamyan Lustmord Vampire Armor - Lustmord Armor V1-2 SD Armour 08/20/16 6:44:00 PM 08/20/16 6:43:36 PM 97083 1.2 / ? AmethystDeceiver Gwelda (Little) Red Riding Hood Outfit UUNP - CBBE - C. Hood Fix Armour 08/20/16 5:45:45 PM 08/20/16 6:05:23 PM 1000169987 1.01 / 1.01 Deserter X Gwelda (Little) Red Riding Hood Outfit UUNP - CBBE - A. Gwelda Red Riding Hood 4K UNP Armour 08/20/16 6:04:57 PM 08/20/16 6:04:13 PM 1000168973 1.01 / 1.01 Deserter X Gwelda (Little) Red Riding Hood Outfit UUNP - CBBE - D. Gwelda Red Riding Hood UUNP Bodyslide Armour 08/30/16 11:45:59 PM 08/20/16 6:03:57 PM 1000169279 1.02 / 1.02 Deserter X Gwelda (Little) Red Riding Hood Outfit UUNP - CBBE - F. Gwelda Red Riding Hood Cloth Armour 08/20/16 6:04:35 PM 08/20/16 6:03:37 PM 1000169585 1.04 / ? Deserter X Gwelda (Little) Red Riding Hood Outfit - UNPB 7B Bombshell TBBP - Gwelda Red Riding Hood - 7B Bombshell TBBP Armour 08/20/16 5:51:22 PM 08/20/16 5:45:40 PM 1000169424 0.123 / 0.123 gutris1 No bethesda Intro - No Bethesda Intro User interfaces 08/20/16 5:24:29 PM 08/20/16 5:23:31 PM 72602 1.0 / 1.0 Agonbar HDT HighHeels System - hdtHighHeel_beta0_5 Miscellaneous 08/19/16 8:12:00 PM 08/20/16 5:20:35 PM 1000031027 beta0.5 / beta0.5 hydrogensayshdt Northgirl Armor UNP and the Retexture from clethcleth and Gamwich - Northgirl Armor all Retex include Armour 08/19/16 9:24:45 PM 08/19/16 9:12:46 PM 1000040209 1.2.1 / 1.2.1 anka01 Midnight Breed Armor - CBBE UNP 7B - Modular with 5 Colors - Midnight Breed - UNP Armour 08/22/16 11:01:13 PM 08/19/16 9:09:39 PM 1000116740 1.2 / 1.2 Stealthic Falmer Bikini Armor - Falmer Bikini Armor 7BO 0.93_3 Armour 08/19/16 9:08:03 PM 08/19/16 9:07:14 PM 1000189070 v0.933 / v0.933 NisetanakaDiablioKofman77 Seraphine Armor - CBBEv3 - UNP - Seraphine - CBBEv3 Armour 08/19/16 9:08:07 PM 08/19/16 9:06:56 PM 90885 1.0 / 1.0 BloodFree Scarlet Dawn Armor - CBBEv3 - UNP - 7B Cleavage BBP - CBPE - UNPB BBP - Scarlet Dawn Armor - CBPE Armour 08/19/16 9:08:05 PM 08/19/16 9:06:40 PM 1000096814 v1.0 / v1.0 BloodFree Enhanced Blood Textures Visuals and graphics 08/19/16 9:31:11 PM 08/19/16 8:29:56 PM 1000182468 3.6c / 3.6c dDefinder Sporty Sexy Sweat - wet body skin texture - CBBE UNP UNPB ADEC Vanilla - Sporty Sexy Sweat ADEC Visuals and graphics 08/20/16 6:37:43 PM 08/19/16 8:27:33 PM 107712 1.0 / 1.0 Xs2reality Merta Assassin Armor UNP - CBBE - A. Merta Assassin Armor High Heels UNP Armour 08/19/16 8:28:49 PM 08/19/16 8:26:01 PM 1000136879 1.0 / 1.0 Deserter X - Mitosuke Witch Of The Wild - WOTW1_06 Armour 08/30/16 10:21:22 PM 08/19/16 8:25:03 PM 1000051338 1.06 / 1.06 RavenDier ADEC Armor n Clothing Compilation - ADEC Vanilla Collection Armour 08/30/16 10:23:26 PM 08/19/16 8:23:11 PM 1000007745 1.28B / 1.28B AcDale XP32 Maximum Skeleton Animation 08/19/16 8:24:49 PM 08/19/16 8:22:28 PM 1000200791 1.96 / 1.96 xp32 Void armor by Hentai - Nexus Exclusive - - VoidArmor Armour 08/19/16 8:23:10 PM 08/19/16 8:22:17 PM 39242 1.0 / 1.0 Hentai Realistic Ragdolls and Force Gameplay effects and changes 08/15/16 3:53:25 PM 08/19/16 8:22:15 PM 1000007570 1.9 / 1.9 dDefinder Vampire leather armor set - VampireLeatherArmorSet Armour 08/19/16 8:25:04 PM 08/19/16 8:22:08 PM 1000000120 1.4 / 1.4 RavenDier Tembtra Thief Armor UNP - CBBE - D. Tembtra Thief Armor 2K CBBE Armour 08/19/16 8:21:45 PM 08/19/16 8:21:26 PM 1000134937 1.02 / 1.02 Deserter X - Mitosuke Nightshade Armor by calyps - Nightshade Armor Complete Armour 08/19/16 8:21:36 PM 08/19/16 8:21:24 PM 47286 1.0 / 1.0 calyps R18Pn 01 - Eisen Platte Armor for UNP and CBBE V3 V2 - EisenCBBEV3v2 Armour 08/30/16 10:20:28 PM 08/19/16 8:18:13 PM 40247 2 / 2 NPR Seraphine Armor - CBBEv3 - UNP Armour 08/19/16 9:25:19 PM 08/19/16 8:15:58 PM 90885 1.0 / 1.0 BloodFree Merta Black Rose Armor UUNP - CBBE - A. Merta Black Rose Armor 4K UNP Armour 08/19/16 8:15:33 PM 08/19/16 8:15:10 PM 1000164523 1.0 / 1.0 Deserter X Marriage Mod - To Have And To Hold - Marriage Mod - To Have And To Hold NPC 08/18/16 8:19:11 PM 08/18/16 8:15:52 PM 1000092339 / joeThinkStudios Skyrim Radioactive - SkyR Exteriors - Solitude Docks Cities, towns, villages and hamlets 08/16/16 7:05:25 PM 08/16/16 6:57:46 PM 1000207365 1.1 / 1.1 Rose Rosenberg SkyUI User interfaces 08/15/16 5:14:47 PM 08/15/16 5:14:32 PM 1000172397 5.1 / 5.1 SkyUI Team Female running and walking animation - Female running and walking animation none BBP Animation 08/15/16 3:53:58 PM 08/15/16 3:49:39 PM 1000102954 1.2 / 1.2 gekkou1992 Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- Models and textures 08/15/16 3:36:57 PM 08/15/16 3:34:26 PM 1000170527 3.4f / 3.4f Ousnius and Caliente SKSE ini pre-download for lazy users - INI settings Utilities 08/15/16 3:35:25 PM 08/15/16 3:31:42 PM 1000161507 1.1 / 1.1 Sagittarius22 Pretty Face - Pretty Face Hair and face models 08/15/16 12:04:05 PM 08/15/16 11:49:49 AM 1000087825 1.9 / 1.9 tktk Women of Skyrim female face textures - UNP and VANILLA nevernude PATCH 4k Models and textures 08/15/16 12:03:12 PM 08/15/16 11:48:13 AM 1000192005 3.9 / 3.9 zzjay KS Hairdos - Renewal - KS Hairdos Renewal Hair and face models 08/15/16 12:06:21 PM 08/15/16 10:37:28 AM 1000205789 1.3 / 1.3 Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky Seductive Lips HD - Seductive Lips HD Hair and face models 08/15/16 10:20:57 AM 08/15/16 10:20:46 AM 82782 1.0 / 1.0 EcthelionOtW SG Female Textures Renewal - SG Textures Renewal UNP Models and textures 08/15/16 10:55:18 AM 08/15/16 10:18:40 AM 1000027215 1.5 / 1.5 Hello Santa The Eyes Of Beauty - The Eyes Of Beauty PLAYER Hair and face models 08/15/16 10:19:48 AM 08/15/16 10:18:08 AM 1000073111 9 / 9 Gabriel Mailhot as LogRaam Dream Girl - Dream Girl 0_2 Models and textures 08/15/16 10:17:52 AM 08/15/16 10:14:49 AM 1000057009 0.2 / 0.2 Petrovich Enhanced Character Edit Hair and face models 08/15/16 10:19:37 AM 08/15/16 10:12:37 AM 1000211069 1.4 / 1.4 ECE team XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement - XCE-1_13 Models and textures 08/15/16 9:35:34 AM 08/15/16 9:33:00 AM 42987 1.13 / 1.13 Xenius Faster Vanilla Horses - Vanilla Horses Animals, creatures, mounts & horses 08/15/16 9:26:31 AM 08/15/16 9:25:55 AM 28639 1.1 / 1.1 Jov RealVision ENB 279b ENB Preset 08/15/16 9:24:37 AM 08/15/16 9:24:02 AM 1000169430 279b / 279b SkyrimTuner Possessive Corpses no more lazy zombies and shy nirnroots - Possessive Corpses 1_8 Bug fixes 08/15/16 9:21:49 AM 08/15/16 9:21:26 AM 31427 1.8 / 1.8 Amgepo Weapon Retexture Project - WRP - Weapon_Retexture_Project Models and textures 08/15/16 9:21:56 AM 08/15/16 9:20:47 AM 33656 0.10a / ? Millenia A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads User interfaces 08/15/16 9:16:53 AM 08/15/16 9:14:47 AM 1000153868 8.4 / 8.4 IcePenguin Character Creation Overhaul - Races - Birthsigns - Classes - Skills - Specializations - Attributes - Character Creation Overhaul 1_3_2 Gameplay effects and changes 08/15/16 9:02:54 AM 08/15/16 9:01:50 AM 87747 1.3.2 / 1.3.2 Syclonix Climates Of Tamriel-V Overhauls 08/15/16 9:00:39 AM 08/15/16 8:58:06 AM 1000184098 5.0 / v5.0 JJC71 Project ENB - Project ENB Data folder for Climates Of Tamriel UPDATE 3 Visuals and graphics 08/15/16 9:00:45 AM 08/15/16 8:55:21 AM 1000067958 v0.221 / ? Bronze316


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Here is a list of things that may help stabilizing your game if not already been done :

/// Cleaning and correcting potential bugs :

/// Load order / mods conflicts :

/// Settings / memory :

/// Save game :

/// Meshes healer :

  • Read here, this is potentially a cause of CTD that you can resolve by following the mod procedure on this page.

/// Useful informations :

/// Credits : these persons deserve kudos, (among others) without them there would be nothing above.

Thallassa | Matortheeternal | Arthmoor | BorisVorontsof | GamerPoets | Gopher | TheCompiler (+ all the STEP team) | Luco81 (NMM forum) | Tannin42 | I2edShift | ElminsterAU, Sharlikran, Zilav, Hlp | Meh321 | Kapaer | Sheson | Mnelson999 | Hadoram | markdf |/ Anton0028 | Wrinklyninja (L.O.O.T contributors) | Bcsp | Missjennabee |

Hope this helps.

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Hello Guys,











There's a reason they invented paragraph hard returns and spoiler tags.



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OP, search your drive for Plugins.txt and post the contents of that between spoiler tags.


On my system it's in:





(Guys, It is Plugins.txt, not LoadOrder.txt? I often forget)

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