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Custom NPC Purple Face Textures


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If you haven't already done so, you might want to back up your custom head mesh and tint mask and then go into the CK and select your actor in the actor list and re-export the mesh and tintmask (Ctrl+F4) to see if those have the same problem in-game as your custom ones do. If nothing else, that might help you narrow down where the problem is coming from. (I'm leaning toward a problem texture attributes, as implied by Dalsio,

I've already done so, I get the same issue.

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If you haven't already done so, you might want to back up your custom head mesh and tint mask and then go into the CK and select your actor in the actor list and re-export the mesh and tintmask (Ctrl+F4) to see if those have the same problem in-game as your custom ones do. If nothing else, that might help you narrow down where the problem is coming from. (I'm leaning toward a problem texture attributes, as implied by Dalsio,

I've already done so, I get the same issue.



We're still likely dealing with a missing or damaged texture. Can you upload a simple mod that has the problem?

Some other things that you've probably already tried, but have worked for myself or others:


Verifying the game cache through Steam (back up your ini files first because any you have altered will be overwritten with default ones). Re-installing custom texture packs that affect NPCs, such as CBBE's optional facial textures or Fair Skin complexion or similar mods that replace the default head textures.


If you remove your custom head DDS and just use the default one in \Data\Textures\Actors\Character\female, is it fine?


Also, keep in mind that CK settings may override NifSkope settings. That is, if the setting for that head in the CK is pointing to an invalid or missing texture, your NifSkope settings might not matter.


Did you create a custom race for your NPC or change an existing race? If you did, you have to be sure that the TextureSet for your custom NPC's head (i.e. SkinHeadFemaleActelia) has a valid DDS assigned and that the custom texture set, if any, is assigned to the proper HeadPart, and that the HeadPart is assigned to your custom race.

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Read this article if your using Nif Merge? It about setting up NifSkope to use on Creation Kit Heads & Other things that are good to know.




<niobject name="BSFaceGenNiNode" abstract="0" inherit="NiNode">
Facegen node object for grouping.
<niobject name="BSFaceGenBaseMorphExtraData" abstract="0" inherit="NiExtraData">
Facegen extra data object.
<niobject name="BSFaceGenModelExtraData" abstract="0" inherit="NiExtraData">
Facegen extra data object.
<niobject name="BSTextureSet" abstract="0" inherit="NiObject">


[post=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/1316/?]By Seren4XX[/post]


Then when your comfy using NifSkope and Gimp or PhotoShop, if your using Nif Merge that is? Delete Nif Merge from your PC


If you have taken above .xml steps already?


You Sir have a Ghost in your Machine.




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