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ive had this game for awhile now, i think i bought it last year when it was on sale for like $2 on Steam. i started it, but never even got past the very first part. but with SWTOR coming out shortly (and i loved the Beta) i really wanna finally play KOTOR just because. so im going to start it ASAP, but before i do, i was hoping for some good tips or suggestions. things you found out after you already played the game that would have made the first game a better play through.


where should i put my stats? what kind of classes should i consider? i really dont know what to ask because i dont know anything about the game, but anything you could tell me to make it so i dont completely butcher my character in the beginning would be helpful.


dont worry about spoilers as idc.

thanks all

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It's been a while but if you want full dark side councelor focus on charisma and wisdom (increases force pool and dark side force powers) with a bit of strength and con. Sentinals need more intel and dex to focus on tech damage and knight is full on strength and con. I haven't played the game for years so I'm a bit rusty but that's just a basic guide.
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The classes are pretty well described within the game. It's honestly one of those games where just have to go experinece yourself and see what you like. But, if you want a general fantasy RPG comparison;


Starting Classes;

Soldier - Warrior

Smuggler - Rouge

And I forgot what the 3rd class was xD


And for Jedi Classes (when you get there)

Guardian - Warrior

Consular - Mage

Sentinal - Mix of both

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hmm. i think on the couple of times i started i chose smuggler and i enjoyed it.


think i wanna duel wield. cause, duel wielding anything, in anything is BA lol.


now is their a benefit to going (mostly) lightsaber over (mostly) force. im thinking Sentinel seems to be a nice choice, as i can get a mix of both, or is it better to spec mostly in one area and splash in another?

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no no go for sentinel its a mix of both and you get the best of both worlds without having to depend too much on either


you wotn get a light saber till several hours in the game though so dont worry too much about the saber just yet


and dont forget to buy kotor 2 which even with its curtailed ending is in my opinion the better of the two



( i did play kotor 2 before 1 so i would say that )

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i most likely wont be playing KOTOR 2 because its not on Steam. and im not into it enough to go out and buy it (though that might change after i actually play the game) normally im not into playing old games, but im making an exception.


and yea, i knew about not getting a lightsaber till later. still gunna duel wield lol


and guardian it is.


ill start later tonight. got like 4 more episodes of Heroes before im all done (sooo sad. was a great series, just watched all 4 seasons on Netflix within the last week and a half lol) then after ima start KOTOR

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i always dual wield anyway what oen saber misses the other catches ...usually

no need for steam kotor 2 is damn cheap these days


if you do buy the normal version check if its the dvd version the cd version is 4 cd's which is a bit cumbersome

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