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fuse 2 mods together


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Hi everyone,


I am in a process of making my own mod...


In order to do so I need to fuse 1 mod that already exist with my esp.


I understand that using Tes4Gecko is the right way if you want to fuse several esp together.


So I installed Tes4Gecko...It works fine, I did fuse my two esp...


But then when I open in the Tesc2 my newly fused esp (let's call it MasterAub 1.0) I can't find the anim or the scripts from the fused esp




Can someone help me out here... :wallbash:

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Unless 'fuse' means something else here, I was able to do this with 2 mods in the CS and it worked fine.


Sorry I am French (please don't hold it against me)


You wrote you were able to add one esp with another through TESC...How so???

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