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The Perfect Girlfriend?


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Me ... you name it babe, and I do it ... hahaha lol, no, no, breathe skowly now ... breathe in ...... breathe out ...... there we go, feel better ? great now do that a few times ok.


Honestly though every woman is perfect, no matter her age, shape or color, you're just to slow to see it ... shame on you !

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Me ... you name it babe, and I do it ... hahaha lol, no, no, breathe skowly now ... breathe in ...... breathe out ...... there we go, feel better ? great now do that a few times ok.


Honestly though every woman is perfect, no matter her age, shape or color, you're just to slow to see it ... shame on you !

When you finally upgrade from standard girlfriend 1.0 to perfect girlfriend 10.0, she then becomes fiancée 2.0 and then turns into wife 1.0 beta. After 10+ yrs of bug testing you eventually get wife 9.0..what she gets is a whole other thread. :whistling:

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No woman is perfect.


How do you know, have dated them all ?


I'm not that masochistic yet. When you stick your hand in a fire, you get burned. Does that mean you should be expected to put your hand into every fire before claiming that fires burn?


@ Lurker ... No of course not but don't let bad experience cloud your judgment ... welcome to the real world, we all get burned ... that doesn't turn us away from seeking someone else ... keep looking, you're bound to find someone much better ... and of course women are'nt perfect ... but neither are guys ... my big problem is the way people interpret love ...


Love is like a bank account, if you don't deposit anything, don't expect any interest.


@ Aurielius ... Hehehehe ... and when you get to alpha 1, you realise she was right all along.


@ Balagor ... "A snake with boobs" ... Yeah well Adam stood by while Eve was being tempted and did sweet nothing ... so who's the real snake ? ... the snake with the snakeskin or the one who let's their partner down.

(not meant to be a religious discussion, ok, eat the meat and spit out the bones).

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No woman is perfect.


How do you know, have dated them all ?


I'm not that masochistic yet. When you stick your hand in a fire, you get burned. Does that mean you should be expected to put your hand into every fire before claiming that fires burn?


I hear you on all this and am on the same page. I hear stories of 'normal' women (caring, non-cheating, etc.) but I tend to only read about those on the internet, here in real life haven't seen it and am doubtful it exists. Unfortunately we men are like drug addicts, we mind consciously realise the danger that women might pose but we go ahead anyway and attempt 'relationships'. But who knows? Maybe it is just plain, bad luck, but I think there is almost certainly something far more sinister brewing there. Once of the largest problems is the fact that women tend to be able to get away with pulling off a lot more bs than a man ever could without being called out for it; female privilege.


Nintii: sure you have to give, that is the problem, you give and get nothing in return but YOUR giving as a male is given, an expectation. I don't claim to be able to break with cycle as it is as much as question go age old biological impulses as it is anything else but at the end of the day, we are screwed.

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[i hear you on all this and am on the same page. I hear stories of 'normal' women (caring, non-cheating, etc.) but I tend to only read about those on the internet, here in real life haven't seen it and am doubtful it exists. Unfortunately we men are like drug addicts, we mind consciously realise the danger that women might pose but we go ahead anyway and attempt 'relationships'. But who knows? Maybe it is just plain, bad luck, but I think there is almost certainly something far more sinister brewing there. Once of the largest problems is the fact that women tend to be able to get away with pulling off a lot more bs than a man ever could without being called out for it; female privilege.


Nintii: sure you have to give, that is the problem, you give and get nothing in return but YOUR giving as a male is given, an expectation. I don't claim to be able to break with cycle as it is as much as question go age old biological impulses as it is anything else but at the end of the day, we are screwed.


We're on equal ground ... women are just as cautious as men when it comes to relationships, you never know what you're getting ... but it is true, women do dump men a lot quicker.

If a woman leaves you, it's because she doesn't like you, ignore her stories, they're just a smoke screen ... let her go.

Never, ever chase a women that has left you, if she does take you back be ready to be used, abused and confused ... this is true most of the time.


A lot of my friends live in their little barbie doll worlds where everything revolves around them ... so if you can see this then why do you burn yourselves ?

A famous American actor of the old days (cant remember his name), once said that "ugly women try harder" ... perhaps your perfect girlfriend isn't the prom queen but the girl next door.

Perfection for me is peace of mind, the more of it I have the more perfect my life.

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