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A Communal Letter to Bethesda Softworks LLC


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Well I initially assumed they had included it to begin however the back of the UK box states 2GB RAM required, so maybe they never had any intention of 64bit support.

That's the required stats. The recommended stats say 4gb and quad-core (Which isn't supported either, apparently. You need to set iNumHWThreads manually). Silly, silly Bethesda :rolleyes:


Even if Skyrim only used 2 threads having 4 helps because the PC uses them for other processes, same for RAM. I have the mod to patch the game for over 2 GB of RAM but have still NEVER seen the game use more than 2. Actually haven't seen it use more than 1.

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I agree with the UI thing. At first I was like whatever... but the dual wield thing / hotkeys not working is SERIOUSLY getting old. It's completely broken and very annoying when I have to hit Q and click things instead of just hitting 1 or 2.


Also, when dual wielding weapons, when you holster you only have one on your side! Jesus christ! There are some things they must have just been like ehhhh whatever. I'm goin on break.

I can't wait for the Darnified Skyrim GUI :happy: Unless... It's already out :ninja:


Just checking back in on this discussion and want my stance to be clear.


1. Brittany: You are awesome. I wish you were mine, please marry me? Just joking. I agree with everything you said.

2. Bethesda: Please for the love of the Nine, do yourselves a favor and invest more money in Q&A, you are starting to get a reputation. And it is NOT a good one. (IE, your games are a bug/glitch fest and any enjoyment is quickly overshadowed by sometimes game breaking ****-ups)

3. Hipo: No. If they sell the rights to Lionhead we get no free roaming world, just more invisible barriers and stupid crap like condoms.

Pfft at least Fable has clean finishing moves, the ability for you to have children and really pretty bloom shaders :laugh:

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I agree with the UI thing. At first I was like whatever... but the dual wield thing / hotkeys not working is SERIOUSLY getting old. It's completely broken and very annoying when I have to hit Q and click things instead of just hitting 1 or 2.


Also, when dual wielding weapons, when you holster you only have one on your side! Jesus christ! There are some things they must have just been like ehhhh whatever. I'm goin on break.

I can't wait for the Darnified Skyrim GUI :happy: Unless... It's already out :ninja:


Just checking back in on this discussion and want my stance to be clear.


1. Brittany: You are awesome. I wish you were mine, please marry me? Just joking. I agree with everything you said.

2. Bethesda: Please for the love of the Nine, do yourselves a favor and invest more money in Q&A, you are starting to get a reputation. And it is NOT a good one. (IE, your games are a bug/glitch fest and any enjoyment is quickly overshadowed by sometimes game breaking ****-ups)

3. Hipo: No. If they sell the rights to Lionhead we get no free roaming world, just more invisible barriers and stupid crap like condoms.

Pfft at least Fable has clean finishing moves, the ability for you to have children and really pretty bloom shaders :laugh:


Comparing this game to Fable 3 is like comparing Korbel to Dom Perignon.

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It might be worth mentioning something regarding the CK and Steamworks.

I second this, although, as a true hater of Steam, I would recommend an entire section dedicated to the ridiculousness of the situation.

Perhaps... I'm not the biggest fan of Steam, myself (I'll avoid it if I can, going as far as using "fixed" binaries to get around it). Although I can see both sides to the use of Steam and Steamworks. They're both reliable platforms for distributing content securely, but Steam is... Well, Steam. I'm not happy that Skyrim was stealth-patched even though Steam was offline (Not to me, I still use the have binary which didn't have Steam integration).


I'll write something up, but it's likely that, even if this letter were to be read and taken seriously, the Steam section would be ignored.

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For all of those who says that this kind of action are useless...


I will simply say, look at the Witcher 2, the fans complained about the game(and there was a huge list) what did the developpers of the game do?, they made a huge patch, that not only did correct the bugs, but also overhauled the combat, mutations and other game mechanics!!


And they did it 3 months after the game was released!!


And the Witcher 2 experience was largly improved!


So don't say that it is useless...


But to add to this, its true that the Main quest(or even all ther other quests...) is short!


Its not shorter then in Oblivion, but it feels like "wtf?, i'm allready at the end of the main quest?..."


I feeled the same with the DB questline...,while the #SPOILER Emperor's murder questline was really nice,#SPOILER END the rest of the quests where really short and really rapidly done...


I mean the good thing about the DB questline in Oblivion was not only killing peoples, but it was own you had to kill them!


The Minautor head that had to fall at the precise hours where the victime would be seated, the Whole bunch of guys you had to murder in a 5 room house, and so fort...


I din't reelly get the same chills and feeling during the DB quests in Skyrim.


The kills seemed pretty straitgh forward and narrow.


While i like the little touches made to the DB, like Lucien Lachance ghost or other stuffs like that,its was too short.


Also the way that the Perk systeme works...


While during the E3's and what not game convention They said that you could choose freely and do what you will with your character...,in fact it is not!


You are obligated to go get useless or uninterresting Perks to be able to go further,and this is regardless of what your Skill level is...


The best way to do it(if not the only way) was to make it so that if you lets say have 60 in a particular Skill you could go get the 50 Tier Perk, even if you did not have the precedent Perk.


This permits to really tailors your character in a RP fasion, i want to be able to regenerate my mana, but i don't want to be a restoration specialist in the process by taking Perks i don't want.


Where as you could leave the prerequisit for things like the different Ranks from Apprentice to Master levels, that would have maked more sens.


Also the fact that it is impossible to respec your perk points in anyway in the game...


Because, even if it's true that the Powers descriptions are really better and more easy to understand then in Oblivion, there is still the fact that sometimes you want to try out a Perk to see if it fits in your way of playing or in your Characters RP, but then you are stuck with it, be it that you like it or not!


Thanks god there are mods to correct those two *Bugs* (because i don't see another way to call it),but if things happens as with what happened with the 1.2 patch, and that you get your Mods broken..., it really pisses off...


Also the inability to have 9 and 0 hotkeyed...,why's that?


AND WHY in the Nine layers of hell can't you block while Magic+one hand or Dual wield?


And the excuse of "its impossible, but you do more damage" is irrelevant..., never heard about cross guards?...,that the more effective guard that exist when you don't use a shield!!!


And the excuse that the Block action is keymapped to the other mouse button...,please..., in a era where gaming Mouses have between 6 and 12 buttons..., you can't tell me,that it is impossible to keymap the block to another one!


Also why can't we erase/overwrite existing enchants on our items?


If there is an armor that i like for aesthetics reasosn,but that the enchants are useless/weaker, i just can't put new enchants on it!!


There is no way to modify existing enchants or erase them!, wich is stupid.


And why are we still stuck with the ridiculous Moon jump animation?...


Is it so hard to make a descendand more realistic jump animation?...


While other animations in the game has largly imporved since Obilivion, the Jump still looks as retarded!


With all the action games where you see a character jump in a realistic or if not not stupid way, why did you choose to make the moon jump?...

Edited by Chaosrex
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> Fixed several rare or remedial gameplay/control issues.


I would say, they BROKE several control issues.

Numpad 2, the ONLY key i can use to deposit items into a storage (R is my forward moving key) is not working anymore, rendering the game UNPLAYABLE to me.


Kind regards.

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It might be worth mentioning something regarding the CK and Steamworks.

I second this, although, as a true hater of Steam, I would recommend an entire section dedicated to the ridiculousness of the situation.

Perhaps... I'm not the biggest fan of Steam, myself (I'll avoid it if I can, going as far as using "fixed" binaries to get around it). Although I can see both sides to the use of Steam and Steamworks. They're both reliable platforms for distributing content securely, but Steam is... Well, Steam. I'm not happy that Skyrim was stealth-patched even though Steam was offline (Not to me, I still use the have binary which didn't have Steam integration).


I'll write something up, but it's likely that, even if this letter were to be read and taken seriously, the Steam section would be ignored.


Buddy, knowing how little Bethesda considers player input, this letter is pretty much just our way of venting.

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