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Stop Items From Spawning On Others


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I've heard of broken "load lists" or something like that and there are mods that make their guns spawn WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too often. Be it the M14 or the bloody PTRS of all guns, I want to stop these monstrosities from flooding my world. How do you get rid of these 'loading lists' or whatever, to stop everyone from having it. I have no issues with using the occasional console command to simply spawn one for myself if need be. I'm just absolutely sick of seeing someone practically everywhere carrying around a giant sniper rifle, especially among the Brotherhood who I intend to piss-off during this playthrough.

Edited by CommanderAE
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Alright, so I found the thing on Nexus and again I want to stop everyone and their grandmother from spawning with them. I'm not expecting specifics or certainty but I'm guessing as long as I've deleted everything labeled as "raider" or "bos" then it should only be found lying around or sold?

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