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skyrim legendary edition hardcover guide $300!


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Anybody have any idea why searching this "skyrim legendary edition hardcover guide" on Amazon brings up 5 different versions all with new copies selling over $200 and the 5th version from the top listed at like $400~??! What is so special about this book and why are there 5 versions?
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It sure puts the Oblivion GOTY guide to shame that's for sure. Full of spoilers, no index, one or more printings were missing like 30 pages of maps in the back. I had to ask a bunch of people selling them online to visually ensure there were over 500 pages with a map section. Very frustrating. I'm concerned about getting the Skyrim guide because it's written by the same guy and I could imagine they put plenty of spoilers in.
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I have ADD, so if I can put my face in a book and mark on it I do much better than trying to stare at a screen from two feet away and not be able to write notes. I do check uesp occasionally though but I've ruined too many plots by their lack of spoiler control but then they say they're not concerned about spoilers.
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I have ADD, so if I can put my face in a book and mark on it I do much better than trying to stare at a screen from two feet away and not be able to write notes. I do check uesp occasionally though but I've ruined too many plots by their lack of spoiler control but then they say they're not concerned about spoilers.

i know i actually have a similar issue i even have a couple notebooks for different games. i was just being a that guy about it.

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