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Suggestion: Improve the "contact" button on mods


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I think the sent PM when an user hits the contact button within a mod should include information regarding the mod that originated said contact. Could be just automatically filled message subject with the mod name or something like that. Since it already fills the recipient name with the author, i guess, it shouldn't be too hard.


The current basically opens a PM to the author for the user to write whatever BUT, users expect the nexus to do what I suggested and just write the question directly that may apply to multiple of the author's mods, because imo it's logical that it would, it's a button within a mod. So then this dialogue happens:


U: [unspecific question]

A: Which mod are you refering to?

U: Ah, X mod. I thought the nexus told you that.

A: It doesn't, [Answer]


So it's kind of unnatural and time-wasteful.

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  • 8 months later...
I agree. I have had people contact me for my mods on occasion... Like one wondering how to find my power armor. (note: my PA mod only changes stats) they didnt specify which mod and i thought they PMed me by .
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