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Question : Mod adjusting


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I do not own the mod in question, nor do I have any hand in the creation of it... however I do have a mod issue with it. I would like to adjust this mod and use it for my own purposes but I am unsure how to do this. The mod in question is :




and my issue with it is very simple. Nothing I do will get this mod to work correctly with Skyre and the reproccer. I have searched for patches and spent the past month looking for a work around on it so I figured it's time to learn some modding myself.

My questions are as follows:


1. Is it against Nexus rules to adjust this mod for my use only if I have no intents of distributing? I have tried to contact the mod author and he's not responding even after a week has passed.


2. How would I modify it or change it to work proper with Skyre if the armor values are not working correctly and not adjusting for the mod.


3. Are there mods similar to this that are already changed and work with SkyRe?


Note : Please delete this if I am violating any ToS with this, it was not my intent, I just want to enjoy a mod that was working fine right to the point I got SkyRe.

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Im not a big user of Skyre but i do know that it is fine to alter mods without permission as long as yiu do not share it with anyone. Essentially the altered mod cant leave your computer except to be deleted. I do this all the time with mods i download.
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