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Please help me get this simple script working


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I was going to placetheitem at a marker in sky haven temple, SetItemHealthPercent, then move the item to the players inventory. I feel like it would be more immersive and lore friendly. That would also work I assume?


thanks for your help!

Might work. not a bad idea, let me know if it works as I might adjust my own script that I am working for personal crafting staff. Keep in mind that you will need to at least cast the form as an objectreference to call the function.


Also, just thought, be careful if you are planning to use the "moveto" function as there is a warning in the wiki about it. given the distance you plan to move it, that shouldn't be a problem.

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OK I found a table in sky haven temple. It's BaseId is 00024CB9, its FormID is 0006F223. I want to use placeatme:

ObjectReference Property FangBlade Auto
FangBlade = 0006F223.PlaceAtMe(weaponRef, 1)

I guess I don't use the BaseID or FormID. Could anyone lend insight into what is meant by TargetMarker?


; Place a two new boxes at the target marker
ObjectReference oneOfTheBoxes = TargetMarker.PlaceAtMe(BoxBase, 2)
Edited by irswat
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No. You cannot use form IDs directly in script. You must pass the object into a variable.


Option #1

Make a new property on your script and fill it with that item.

ObjectReference Property myTable Auto
{assign CommonTable01 refID 0006F223 from cell 000161EB SkyHavenTemple }

;later in the script use
myTable.PlaceAtMe(weaponRef, 1)

Option #2

Use GetFormFromFile and obtain the desired form

ObjectReference myTable = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0006F223,"Skyrim.esm") as ObjectReference
myTable.PlaceAtMe(weaponRef, 1)

Option 2 is preferred when working with objects from other mods without making that mod a parent master to yours. Option 1 is preferred when the plugins is already a parent of your mod.

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Read up on placeatme some more to see why someone would use DropObject instead. Placeatme creates a copy of the Item. it doesn't actually move the current item from inventory. So, using this will create a duplicate of the weapon, which you would then temper, leaving the original untouched. Since it is very clearly stated that it cannot be an objectreference, I think it makes a copy of the base, which means this method will only create a single temper, ever.


You can possibly get around this by tracking the number of tempers separately. it won't work for my purposes as I am comparing existing temper to determine if I can improve each time.

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Read up on placeatme some more to see why someone would use DropObject instead. Placeatme creates a copy of the Item. it doesn't actually move the current item from inventory. So, using this will create a duplicate of the weapon, which you would then temper, leaving the original untouched. Since it is very clearly stated that it cannot be an objectreference, I think it makes a copy of the base, which means this method will only create a single temper, ever.


You can possibly get around this by tracking the number of tempers separately. it won't work for my purposes as I am comparing existing temper to determine if I can improve each time.

that's fine, because what I'm doing, I think, is making a copy of the original item and storing it as WeaponRef, Placing the copy on the table, tempering it, removing the original item from the inventory, adding the copy to inventory and then equipping the copy. Didn't work. Need to play with this some more.




Weapon property adventurerdawnfang auto
Weapon property tsasciduskblade auto

ObjectReference property weaponRef auto

Function GetKillLevel(Bool bIdentity)
if (KillLevel==KillLevel As Int) && (DawnfangKillCount<=72)

;function modified from http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=SetItemHealthPercent_-_ObjectReference
Function TemperWeapon(float btempering, ObjectReference weaponRef, bool WeapRef, int EH)
	FangBladeSpawn.PlaceAtMe(weaponRef, 1)
	weaponRef.SetItemHealthPercent(1 +btempering)
	Debug.Notification(weaponRef.GetName() + " tempering level" + (1 + btempering))
	if (btempering==0.1)
		TemperedLevel="Fine "
	elseif (btempering==0.2)
		TemperedLevel="Superior "
	elseif (btempering==0.3)
		TemperedLevel="Exquisite "
	elseif (btempering==0.4)
		TemperedLevel="Flawless "
	elseif (btempering==0.5)
		TemperedLevel="Epic "
	elseif (btempering==0.6)
		TemperedLevel="Legendary "
	if (WeapRef==1) ;1=dawnfang 2=duskfang
		Debug.Notification(TemperedLevel + weaponRef.GetName() + " has been added!")
		Debug.Notification(TemperedLevel + weaponRef.GetName() + " has been added!")




problem is something is not working with the variable weaponRef. at 12 kills the blade gets taken, and it says the correct tempering level "1.1", but no weapon is added to the players inventory, and is thus not equipped. Then it says "Fine has been added!"


SetItemHealthPercent is an ObjectReference function and weaponRef is declared as a ObjectReference, but when I pass it by reference to TemperWeapon() I'm passing it as a form, do you think that might be why it's not working?

Edited by irswat
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I think I see your problem. placeatme returns the objectreference of the object placed. In your script, weaponRef is still pointing to the original item that was in inventory. You need to do soemthing like


weaponref2 = FangBladespawn.placeatme(weaponref, 1) ; and change the casting for weaponRef to be Form weaponRef in the parameters


Then perform the remaining script lines on weaponref2, rather than weaponRef.

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SetItemHealthPercent is an ObjectReference function and weaponRef is declared as a ObjectReference, but when I pass it by reference to TemperWeapon() I'm passing it as a form, do you think that might be why it's not working?

Yes. You need to pass a specific instance. That's why palingard said he had to drop the one that the player was holding.


Also, you are using a bool with GetKillLevel that you pass on into TemperWeapon which you then use to compare to an Int value and your comment refers to values of 1 and 2. Bools can resolve to 0 or 1, but I never know which is true or false so I prefer to stick with the true/false values.


At any rate, made some tweaks to your snippet above. Double check it first. Since it wasn't your entire script there is room for error.



Weapon property adventurerdawnfang auto
Weapon property tsasciduskblade auto

ObjectReference property FangBladeSpawn auto

Function GetKillLevel(Bool bIdentity)
if (KillLevel==KillLevel As Int) && (DawnfangKillCount<=72)
	If bIdentity == true

;function modified from http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=SetItemHealthPercent_-_ObjectReference
Function TemperWeapon(float btempering, Form myWeapon, bool WeapRef, int EH)
	ObjectReference weaponRef = FangBladeSpawn.PlaceAtMe(myWeapon, 1)
	weaponRef.SetItemHealthPercent(1 +btempering)
	Debug.Notification(weaponRef.GetBaseObject().GetName() + " tempering level" + (1 + btempering))
	if (btempering==0.1)
		TemperedLevel="Fine "
	elseif (btempering==0.2)
		TemperedLevel="Superior "
	elseif (btempering==0.3)
		TemperedLevel="Exquisite "
	elseif (btempering==0.4)
		TemperedLevel="Flawless "
	elseif (btempering==0.5)
		TemperedLevel="Epic "
	elseif (btempering==0.6)
		TemperedLevel="Legendary "
	if (WeapRef== true) ;true=dawnfang false=duskfang
		Debug.Notification(TemperedLevel + weaponRef.GetBaseObject().GetName() + " has been added!")
		Debug.Notification(TemperedLevel + weaponRef.GetBaseObject().GetName() + " has been added!")




>< got ninja'd but hey there are some other tweaks that may be of help.

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