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Why all of the individual debug console mods for the witcher 3?

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I was just wondering about something. I see a lot of different debug console enabler mods ....for different versions of the Witcher 3. I also see, here and on other forums...that sometimes these mods do not work or are difficult to install properly. I experienced this myself, a couple of times...until I found out that no mod is necessary to enable the debug console,...regardless of the game version.. All that has to be done,...is to put 3 line commands into the "user" text file located in the" My Documents\The witcher 3" folder. Since this folder is written by the game itself, every time you re-install the game, or erase the folder...then altering a simple text file in this folder, will works across all versions of the game.


This eliminates the need to change mods every time the game is patched to another version. I was just wondering why someone would go to the trouble of making mods and updating them, for something that needs no mod, and is a "once and done" thing? I understand the absolute necessity of mods to alter game play, enrich graphics, etc. However, in a case that involves simply bringing out a built-in feature of a game...then this method is the easiest and most dependable way to go. I am currently running the witcher 3 GOTY Edition, v.1.31 and it works fine. It also worked fime on all of the previous versions of the game that I used .

Edited by pincaviglia86
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been trying to get the debug console working and following all the helps and suggestions to no avail. Downloaded with NMM and downloaded manually. Put it into the mods folder, put it into the bin/x64 folder along with dsound.dll and could never get it to work. So I gave up until I found the directions to modify "user". That was simple and worked like a charm. Took only a minute or two.


Since you need to know a little more about the PC it might be a little intimidating. For instance, I could not do anything with "user" and "user.settings" until I added the .txt at the end "user.settings.txt", then there was no problem. Just make sure to remove that before running the game.

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Sooo can you PLEASE paste what changes are exactly neede? I've been trying to get that console working for two days and it became really infuriating. Plus I'm a tooootal noob if it comes to moding, writing code etc :v


So I have found a solution... If anybody wanders here to find it here it is:
Open user.settings located in Documents/The Witcher 3. You'll propably have to add ".txt" at the end so it opens in notepad. Find [General] section and add this underneath: DBGConsoleOn=true .
Save, close, and in properties check the box with "read only" stuff. Then go to your general.ini file located in W3/bin/config/base and at the bottom add the same line. It should work now, ~ makes the console pop up.

Edited by Ferinmel
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