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Dragon bones, dragon bones, dragon bones...


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Please tell me there is some secret console command to delete dragon skeletons! Every other time I go to the magic college I get attacked by one and now there's a bunch of dragon skeletons that, for what ever reason, just flip and flop around in the main entrance yard. It's gotten to where I can't see the attacking dragons to fight 1/2 the time, because all the skeletons sticking out of walls or flipping around like fishies on land get in the way. Anyone know how to get rid of them?
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I thought that today's patch should rectify that problem, along with human corpses.

If the dragon bones are still there, then I would use "delete" .


I use the console and it has not affected my achievements in the slightest. Many others have said the same.

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Well, the weird thing is that they were gone earlier when I first started playing, but when I fast traveled back to the college, a dragon attacked and all the skeletons were right back in the courtyard-like area. I'll try those commands out though. Thanks!
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If you have used the console, then you cannot GAIN any new achievements in the same session, its the same as the last two Fallouts. Simply use the console, save, exit the game and reload skyrim, and youll be fine.


I found my skeletons despawning after a few days, so dont worry about them being pernament. Good thing to, or Windhelm would be full to the brim with dragons. I think there is a slight bug/flaw in the fast travel, as when I fast travel to Windhelm I immediatly run down the bridge to the city, get through the gates and a dragon is often attacking - could be that the dragon has 'followed' you fast travelling. I dont know though. Either that or dragons really hate Windhelm.

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