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No Siren sound when notified a settlement is under attack


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Whenever you get a notification that a settlement is attacked it's accompanied by a long loud siren sound. Totally shatters immersion. Could somebody make a quick fix for this? I hope it's as easy as replacing it with a silent one and it doesn't share the sound file with the normal siren, because otherwise it'll probably need to be an F4SE plugin.

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Is that some mod you are using that adds a siren sound to the notification? I do not believe vanilla has an audible notification for settlement attacks. Just the very fast message box in the upper left corner.


Yeah, I've never heard a siren sound notification after 1700+ hours played.


I had shaikujin's better warning for settl... and i tried uninstalling to see if that fixed it when i first tried to get rid of it, but it didn't fix it. all my audio mods don't touch notifications for settlements other than that as they'd have no need to. Do you have all the DLC? because i don't remember this being a thing in vanilla.

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