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Fallout 4 re-write?


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is anyone currently in the process of rewriting fallout 4 to make it more dynamic and choicy like fnv or fo3? maybe put in something like regulators and talon merc co. make it so you don't have to kill 90% of Bostonians. make the brother hood less Nazi techno dick like (more like the fo3 bos), the railroad less #blm and do some more cia espionage type stuff that supports other factions but they also help robots on the side, turn the institute into the enclave, make the gunners more like a mercenary service that you could use, make the children of atom more relevant and interesting, befriend and even join rather than have them as reskinned raiders. maybe put in a new Massachusetts republic. idk. is anyone doing something like this or can someone do something like this?

Edited by atm1090
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