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Skyrim missing half of the Dynamic Shadows


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Skyrim seems to be missing dynamic lighting on almost all of the largest objects in game. Is this how it was set up? Because I'm surprised no one has commented on it yet.

It looks as though they have only applied dynamic lighting to certain objects in the game; trees, small rocks, buildings, plants and occasionally the larger rocks.

However, almost all, as in, about 97% of the large rocks do not cast dynamic shadows. I have attached a picture of this; note how the shadow for my horse is floating in the air.

The darkening on the rocks is just diffuse lighting and normal maps, so almost a third of the game world still runs with the same Morrowind / Oblivion / Fallout Style lighting.





If you think a third of the game world is an exaggeration, its not, everywhere there is a mountain, it will be covered almost entirely in these old style lit objects.

Setting bTreesReceiveShadows=1, and bDrawLandShadows=1 in the skyrimprefs.ini does not change this.

So is there another command, one that actually makes it so shadows are cast by every object?

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