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before I use the Oghma Infinium


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Hey guys & gals,


On my 1st re-play of Skyrim,(back) up to level 80, and simultaneously (RE)-playing 2 of my favorite Quests, being "Lost To The Ages" and 'Discerning the Transmundane' (is that possibly the best title ever in PC gaming of a level or quest ?!?)


My question is to the latter


I know at the end of the quest I will receive the coveted Oghma Infinium

I have already decided which of the 3 paths to take for my reward...and what a reward it is!- of 5 points x 6 skills = 30 points


Here is my single question.


If I have a skill path that is already maxed to 100, even though the Oghma Infinium can't add 5 to make it 105, will those 5 points still work towards moving the bar on my total level # ?


You see I've chosen the path of magic, and 4 of the 6 in my skill tree are < 95,so they are FULLY usable...1 will probably reach 100 (alteration) before, but I already planned to take it legendary so that's solved...

...but for the 6th skill tree, Enchanting, which is at 100, I do not wish to go legendary.

I'm use that enchanting skill so often for weapon/armor improvement, and I'm not ready to take it down to the lower start



But IF the 5 points that Oghma Infinium adds to that tree STILL up my total skill level, then the fact that its 100 value remains at 100 is a non-issue to me


Does anyone know?

I'd hate to get nothing out of an entire tree, and I really ain't ready to take enchanting from 100 to 15


thank you



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Thanks for answering...but NOT my question.


I KNOW the INDIVIDUAL skill wont' go over 100...i.e., I know enchanting pre-Oghma Infinium at 100 stays 100 after Oghma Infinium


But my question is, will the TOTAL Skill level advance with the skill that is already set to 100 before Oghma?

You know...my total skill of (now) 80...will THAT bar move to the right (my total skill) as Oghma is 'applied' towards the Enchanting perk



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Thank you Luka25565...I didn't think it would either, but thought to ask...I had read ALOT prior to this post, & yet couldn't find the answer anywhere at all.

Surprised I was the 1st person to ask.


Thank you Porject579...so 'it might'...I HOPE you are correct.


Guess, when its all said and done, I'll have to make the call of accepting Oghma 'might' just boost 5 of the 6 possible skills by 5 points each (& me wasting the opportunity of all six )...vs. making enchanting Legendary, and getting the advancement of all 6 skills.


That's what happens when one doesn't play "Discerning The Transmundane' till this late in the game

A problem of the privileged!' :-))





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Got it...none of your level 100 skills increased.

Did you happen to see if your level bar moved to the right AT ALL....at your level 117....or did it stay exactly where it was?


In other words, lets say it was 1 inch from the left side, at your level 117.

I know not enough to have taken it to 118...but did it remain the proverbial inch from the left...or did it nudge it toward the right AT ALL?



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