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Stuttering problems in dungeons / bright areas


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I have problems in bright areas and I DON' KNOW WHY!! I set ishadowmapresolution=3072 / 4096 / 8192 on outdoor and fps are steadily on 60, in towns min 50. When I try to enter in a house where there are fires or candles, fps drops:


ishadowmapresolution=3072 = 60fps and little stutter when i look candles/fires

ishadowmapresolution=4094 = usually 60 and drop to 40fps with big stutter when I look candles/fires

ishadowmapresolution=8192 = usually 60 and drop to 1fps when I look candles/fires


Now i can't believe that i've problems only when i'm indoor, there must necessarily be a bug or a value i've change that cause this incredible stutter!

Someone know if is there a fix??


Watch the movie I did, fraps has reduced performance, but you understand what is the problem:





Edited by Gardox
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