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I've made some justice guys. I think the skyrim and all tamriel is much much better now.


I mean really. How bad the person should be if she wanted to slay such good, wise dragon. He unselfish helped me, damn he helped to all human kind and perhaps he will help to dragon kind either. And he is also my good friend.

It's like in Dragon Age Origins some smartass guy would say: It's Leliana, the ex spy and murderer, you must kill her for the Great Justice. But she redeemed! So what, just kill her!

What do you think?


Sorry for my english, not my mother tongue.

Edited by reanimator4
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well his name means "Ambition Overlord Cruelty" in dragon tongue. Don't know if I would trust him- sounds like he just wanted Alduin out of the way :P



Then again, you instantly trust a dragon you just captured to fly you on it's back to some place you've never been. One barrel roll later and the Dovahkiin would have gone the way of the mammoths... This is what happens when you take away the intelligence attribute.

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I dunno, between his name and something he said at the end of the main quest, I get some potential implications that he pretty much just wanted Alduin out of the way so he could rule. Of course his rule probably wouldn't be so directly violent as Alduin's, hell for at least a while it would be peaceful, but I wonder how much his meditation will pay off now that he actual has that much power in his leader position.
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