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Creation kit dialogue help please?


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Hi everyone, I am trying to build a village mod and would like my custom NPCs to be able to offer dialogue and scenes. I have followed the steps in the Bethesda Quest Design Fundamentals series on this page for Bendu Olo's Only Hope, and as far as I can tell I have done everything correctly, but my dialogue refuses to appear.


I have, per other tutorial videos (BestinSlot's quest design, 3 videos basically doing the same thing) recorded silence for all my characters' dialogue lines, I have tried the quest as start-game enabled or disabled, using a SetStageOnEnter triggerbox, tried a SetStageOnLoad script attached to my quest, even tried deleting the GetStage condition in my dialogue even though the tutorials said to put it there. I've double checked my conditions and they are exactly correct.


I tried a sqv MyQuestName command in the console and it says the quest is running and the aliases filled properly. I tried a ForceGreet package with my quest topic as the dialogue subject. Still nothing. I have generated a SEQ and moved it to the correct place, so I am completely at a loss as to what I might be missing.


Knowing me, it's probably something that will be, in hindsight, blatantly obvious, but at the moment I'm fresh out of ideas, and the dialogue still won't appear. Can anyone suggest what I may have missed? Any help much appreciated.

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All the default properties attached to the script were filled except prerequisite stage OPT as there is no prerequisite quest. MyQuest was set to the correct quest, I tried stage 0 and stage 10, neither had any effect. Disable when done was set to true. I had removed the triggerbox since it still didn't make the dialogue appear.

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It's hard to understand the exact problem without being able to look at the plugin in it's entirety. If you like, you can package your mod (which would probably only include the plugin and any .psc source scripts that are attached to the quest(s)) and upload it to some file hosting site (dropbox, mediafire, etc.) and PM me a link to it. From there I can figure out what exactly you've done, where you are in the tutorial, and what might be missing or need to be fixed and work with you to iron out any kinks. That is, if you're okay with that.


Otherwise, I can try and tackle the problem step-by-step, where I'll ask you to show screenshots of various views of your quest/dialog windows so that I can see what you're seeing.

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