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How much would you have paid if?


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Yeah no to the compilations. Long story as to why and someone else can do it better then me anyways.

Yeah, someone else can do it better than me as well although I've tried hard and not been lazy. Thus the willingness to pay and frustration enough to quit this crap forever.


Yes, I agree Skyrim isn't worth more than ten bucks as is. However, I'd have payed much to have skiped the THOUSANDS of hours I spent trying to make it a worth while game.


That aside, I'd be happy to check out a guide if you have it. You can see what mods interest me by checking out my sig links.


Next I will try only using lighting mods and ENB for graphics and the minimum for difficulty mods.


All I want is a Skyrim game that has superb night and day (dark nights needing torches etc) and great difficutly and gameplay. Frostfall and RND are necessary for me as is hunterborn/campfire. Sperg is also necessary for me as is at least a few others such as High Level enemies and Vigor.


I'd pay for such because time is money and damn i spent way too much time on this.


Despite being fried to the max, I'm willing to look at your guide and dedicate another dozen hours to trying it out.



okay yeah i looked at the guide and it needs more work. i'll get back to you on it, but in the mean time i will leave some advice for modding.


open up notepad/word and type in:


-*mod 1*

-*mod 2*

-*mod 3*


-Run Skyrim"


and keep repeating that over and over until all of your mods are listed as you type it in you should be installing simultaneously. so install three mods and type those into the list in order of install. whenever the game breaks uninstall one mod at a time going up the list. you should never have to go beyond three mods before the game works again... if you do odds are you need to start over hence the list as you now know where you went wrong. next whenever you do something within a mod such as make decisions add those choices to the list. this works also for mods like Bodyslide but you should already save that to a preset in which case adding the save location and name would be quicker.


the best part about this is you will then have your own personal mod install guide just for you and can easily change things even if it involves a full reinstall to work.

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I paid $15 for 600 hours of entertainment. Not bad when comparing with the value of going out to see a film.


I have no idea how much time I have spent adding and testing mods, but I would say that in most cases what I've added (200+ mods) has been about tailoring an experience for myself--I don't think I hold Bethesda responsible to provide that for me. What I do hold them responsible for is the buggy mess that Skyrim is without the Usleep fixes.

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If there were a membership fee or something to access skyrim mods......i would pay it without thinking twice.


Personally I would absolutely NOT pay to access Skyrim mods or pay for mods at all. I would pay for a preassembled game with the mods I want that works on my computer, but def wouldn't pay a subscription fee or pay for mods.


I paid for a premium membership on Nexus to support Nexus but that's about as far as I'd be willing to go considering how much trouble I've had getting modded Skyrim to work.

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