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SKSE question


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hopefully this isn't complete stupid question, but I'm curious to know if someone knows has Bethesda ever commented anything officially about SKSE? To my understanding as SKSE being script extender it gives modders more resources that official API of Skyrim did not offer. I actually don't know that much what the SKSE offers for mod creators other then the ability to bind keys for commands which seems rather basic and seem odd that it was missing from the native modding support.

On the same note, does anyone know if Bethesda added any of the modding features that SKSE provides for skyrim modders to Fallout 4 natively?




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Bravo brilliant question, I don't the answer, however like you I am now waiting for a response.


Well Done JFin1. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



What it offers is outline in the Skse_Read_Me & Skse_Papyrus_Doc found in the Skyrim Folder where TESV.exe & Ske_Loader is.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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SKSE is a tool allowing modders to extend functions of original papyrus script. You should think of it as a framework. Generally Bethesda doesn't comment on mods. They are not interested in individual fan made content outside of letting users host their mods on bethesda.net. You can find Fallout4 F4SE based mods for PC platform uploaded there.

Most of the income comes from console versions of Fallout and TES franchise. Script Extender works only with Windows on PC, so you can do the math behind Bethesdas logic.

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I knew that Skyrim was ported from console, hence the horrible UI, but I actually didn't know that Bethesda was so console orientated. Interesting.

I just hope that if/when Skyrim 6 comes out they would rethink the UI at least for PC version, but considering the fact that they're so console orientated that won't probably happen.

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