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I have a problem with my skyrim please help!


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If that fails:


Are you concerned about the saves or the game working? If you did not get far, the steam can repair the damage with no mods, if you have a save of the characters before you installed the offending mods make a list of the ones you have now that the save is dependent on and backup the .sav before re-installing/validating the game.


I guess this would work logicly, as a last resort.... but might be unneeded, try cleaning your game first...also use tes, not just cleaning .sav. Update dawnguard, dragonborn, apply filter for cleaning, identical to masters, references:done.




Note: I had a problem with creatures after installing it because it was mentioned, it created a dead horse that would follow me around. It was vaguely horrible even after removing creatures (I saw little difference to gameplay) It was a night-mare...I tried disabling the dead horse to hide it but this did not work, it came back next place I went, like a pulp horror story labeled: (my characters name's) horse. De-intastall creatures must be used I had to clean it remove stuff and put it back. I assume it was stuck in a pose or this was the mod makers sick joke if removed, it was to perfectly, a dead horse. Like ''a horse body'' file , in sims.

Edited by skyquest32
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You should read Uninstallation instructions, BEFORE you download and install a mod. Since you're not sure what types of mods you have removed it would be best to start the game again with new character. You might run into problems later, if you have script leftovers in your save.


Your last resort would be generating new behaviors with FNIS and cleaning your save with Save game script cleaner.

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