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[Request] Have your Companions Level Up With You


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I heard there was a way in the console to despawn/respawn your follower/companion at which time their stats will fall in line with your current level (though I don't know the commands), but it would be great for a mod to do this automatically, so you could have the same companion throughout your whole adventure and not have to worry about them being under skilled.


Anyone up for the task?

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You can increase your follower's level by opening the console, clicking on your follower, and typing setlevel X where X is the level you'd like them to be. You can also see a follower's current level by typing getlevel with them targeted.
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bump. It be really great to have a mod that would automatically level up your followers, I know poor Brelyna is suffering a lot from combat nowadays. I know there is a console command that approximates a fix, but there are several problems I have with it.


1) It only scales to you current level, meaning once you level up some you have to redo the procedure.


2) It only effects 1 of your followers, and can be a real pain in the a.... rump, if you switch out followers frequently based on you needs.


3) Using console commands in such a way can sometimes have strange and unwanted side effects.


4) Using console commands is often considered Cheating by steam and as such disable all trophies/achievements from that point onward. Most activated mods do not trigger this response (unless the mod simply accesses the console to paste in commands).


It would be a great help if anyone could create a Mod for this. I'd attempt it myself but I don't even have the slightest clue where to start w/ modding.

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