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Just pictures of signs held by Tea-Party protestors. Examples of their butchery of the English language.


Here is one of my favorites:




Another good one:


ARE-COUNTRY :biggrin:



Edited by Beriallord
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I dunno... The Tea Party has consistently been convinced to vote against their own best interest and trust in a news channel which badmouths the more legitimate new channels by claiming they're all "liberal media" while at the same time pimping themselves as the "alternative to that". So they're calling themselves "conservative media" while at the same time claiming to be "fair and balanced"


Half the problems currently facing our country are because of this Tea Party stuff. Politicians whose stated goal is "no big government" have been elected into office, then everyone gets upset when they don't do anything to fix the problems that are facing the economy and the nation as a whole. To which you just have to wonder, if they wanted problems fixed, why did they vote a person into office whose only real stated goal (besides no-gay-marriage and no-taxes) was that they wouldn't play by the same rules that everyone expected them to play by?


And honestly these people aren't just selected for laughs. This really represents most of what the Tea Party is: Uneducated people who are mad at the government and don't really have a clue as to why, they've just been told that the government is bad so they want to vote in bad politicians.... it makes the situation worse and not better.


Talk to a Tea Party supporter and you'll see. I've yet to meet one who has an original thought in their head. Note: That's SUPPORTER, not sympathizer. There are plenty of conservatives who have their heads on straight. They're smart enough not to support the Tea Party tho.

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Half the problems currently facing our country are because of this Tea Party stuff. Politicians whose stated goal is "no big government" have been elected into office, then everyone gets upset when they don't do anything to fix the problems that are facing the economy and the nation as a whole.


Which is basically the problem with every president weve had since Kennedy. And I only say that because Im unfamiliar with the Presidents that were before him.


The American people and the President have been at odds with each other longer then Ive been alive and it seems like regardless of elections and changes in leadership America has continued to move in the same direction. Wars that nobody wants, bad economy regulation choices, and continuous and drastic devaluation of the dollar. I think people are missing the real problem.

Edited by ModelV
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The only person that might give them the change they say they are looking for is Ron Paul, but instead they are wasting their time propping up idiots like Sarah Palin. Which proves to me they aren't even smart enough to know who even holds their values at heart. They are a herd of lost cattle, and another farmer decided to pick them up.


I do think Ron Paul has some merits, he is anti-war, and he wants to audit the federal reserve. I suspect there has been a lot of wrong doing over the years done by the federal reserve, but I can't prove it. Which is why I would like to see a full audit.

Edited by Beriallord
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