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Anyone interested in a Willow fanfic?


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I just wanted to say that I will no longer be updating Unknown Origins on the Nexus. Too much hassle to edit it both on the Nexus and on Fanfiction.net, especially when I need to make changes to previous chapters. If you want to read Unknown Origins, it can be found on Fanfiction.net under the author Cyberweasel89.


But... I have an idea for a Willow fanfiction. As in, the Willow companion mod by LlamaRCA. If I write this, it would be a Nexus exclusive most likely. I just need to know if people would be interested.


If anyone thought Unknown Origins was too close to the game, I feel you should know that this Willow fanfic will take place before the beginning of Fallout: New Vegas and will feature a male love interest to Willow who is NOT the Courier, but an original character.


To start off, I need some suggestions. Namely, the title, what the male lead should be like, and if I'd be allowed to post it here where more people would find it instead of in the Druid's Garden. I have some ideas of my own as to the former two, but I'd still like to hear people's ideas.


And yes, I will be including J.T. X3

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  • 1 month later...
I liked the first chapter (even though i only read it out of curiosity) although the fact the dude's riding a motorbike.... One part I didn't like.
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